Chapter 1

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"Shut up!" My abusive dad yells at me.

I cover my face as another bottle is smashed on my neck. Blood trickles down my neck and soaks my shirt. He then smashes more on my back and stomach. He pulls me up by my hair and spits in my face. He throws me down on the ground.

"I'm going to get more beer!" He says as he walks out and slams the door.

I run upstairs and grab a backpack that I have hidden in my room. I throw everything I need in there. Clothes, food, water. I quickly run outside and don't look back.

I've been walking for at least three hours. My worn out shoes look like that could rip at any moment. I stop and take them off walking in my socks. I walk a few more miles and decide to rest for the night. I walk though an abandoned housing complex and find an house that's not to crappy. I take off my back pack and use it as a pillow. Sleep is hard to find but I eventually get pulled into darkness.

I wake up to the sun just rising. I quickly get up and eat a granola bar and take a swig of water and then head out. I walk for about two hours and see the sign I have been waiting for "Welcome to California!" a big smile spreads across my face. I have a chance to start over. My smile starts to fade. I'm alone. No money. No family. Nothing.

I walk for a few more hours and it's starts to get dark. I hear foot steps coming behind me. I run. I hear them catching up. I make a sharp right throwing who ever it was off track. Fatigue and dehydration take over. I drank all my water today since it was 90 degrees out. I push through it and find a house close by. I try the back door. Nothing. The foot steps are getting heavier and louder. I quickly run to the, what I assume, is the garage and thankfully it's unlocked. I swing the door open only to be greeted by darkness. I didn't care I shut the door and locked it. I walk as far away as I can.

The pounding on the door slows to a stop. The man huffs in anger then stomps away. I try to adjust to the darkness but it faintly works. I see two cars and boxes spread out along the edges of the garage. I move boxes so I am hidden under them. I stuff my backpack next to me a slowly fall asleep to the hum of the electric running through the garage.

📚 Author's Note 📚

Hi this is my first Fan-Fic about a celebrity. I hope everyone enjoys this story! If you have an suggestions feel free to Private Message me. Please

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If you want me to continue this story can I get one comment or one vote? Thanks readers!! Bye!

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