Chapter 4

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The pizza finally arrives. Jen opens the box up and gets out plates for us.

"Presenting Saige's first slice of pizza!" Jen says while placing a piece of pizza in front of me.

I take a bite. Josh and Jen look at me waiting for my reaction. I finally swallow the pizza I've been chewing.

"Best. Pizza. Ever."I tell them.

They jump up and give me a big hug!

"She's one of us!" Jen says out loud.

Josh starts to hoop and holler! Jen passes out the rest of the pizza. I have three slices and a glass of water. After that we go down to the police station so they could officially adopt me. Jen puts on sunglasses and a hat, so no one recognizes her. Josh slips on a pair of sunglasses. We walk in to the garage and hop in Jen's car.

As I was sitting in the back seat of the car I felt so under dressed. Jen and her expensive clothing. Even Josh had nice clothing on. Black Vans, an American Eagle shirt and dark wash pants. Then there was me sitting in the back seat with jeans, a t-shirt, and muddy knock-off converses. I slouch in the seat waiting for the awkward car ride to be over.

We finally arrive at the poilce station. We walk to the counter.

"Hi we are here for adoption papers. To be the legal gurdians of Saige Marie Auborn," Josh tells the man.

"Oh yes. Here are the papers. You can fill tem out right over there," He says pointing to a little room, "Then bring the papers back to me and you will be all set!"

"Thank you," Josh tells the man.

Josh says something to Jen. Jen nods and takes me in to the room without Josh. Confused, I walk with Jen anyway.We enter the room and it has one round table and chairs around it.

"Okay Saige,im going to fill this out as you answer the questions. Okay?"

I nod. She gives me a comforting smile.

"First question, what's your full name?"

"Saige Marie Auborn."

She fills out a few more quesstions before asking me some.

"What's your date of birth?"

"May 18th 2001"

"Age currently?"





"Okay I will fill out the rest and then we can leave!"

I nod with a smile and wait for Jen to fill out the papers. After about another ten minutes Jen finishes.

"Ready?" she asks me.

"Yup!" I say.

I'm going to have a family now. A real family. We walk out the room and I see my father standing in the lobby I freeze in my foot steps. Jen looks to where my eyes are locked.

She quickly gets in front of me and puts her arm out across me. I snap back to reality and anger flushes over me.

"What are you doing here?" I spat at my dad.

"Well I have to see my daughter right?" He says back with a smirk.

"In not your daughter anymore.." I whisper.

"What?" He yells.

"They are adopting me." I say with more confidence.

He starts to laugh. "They can't adopt you unless your legal guardians give permission or if I'm dead!"

Jen looks at me. I see tears forming in her eyes and mine start to as well. Josh walks out of no where and walks up to my Dad.

"That can be arranged!" Josh says.

"Really? Try me." my Dad says.

Josh swings his arm and punches my Dad.

"You hit like a girl," He says as he wipes blood from his mouth.

Josh walks towards me and Jen. He crouches down so he is at my eye level.

"Saige I want you to listen to me. I love you very much." he tells me. "According to the law we can't adopt you until he signs the papers" he's crying now. "Now, you have to be strong for me. I need you to go with him and stay just a little while longer until we file a report against him. It will only take a few days."

I start to cry heavily. Jen bends down too. They both say they love me. That's the first time I have heard those words to me.

"I love you too." I tell them barely audio able.

I move past them slowly and go up to my Dad.

"Welcome back. We are going to have a lot more fun now," he tells me with a smirk.

Before we leave I look back at Jen and Josh. Jen is crying in to Josh. That's the last thing I see before the doors shut behind me.

📚 Author's Note 📚

Hey guys! I'm trying to update everyday but it might not work out! I am typing all of this on my phone so I am very sorry for any mistakes. I can't believe people are actually reading and liking this book so far!! Thank you guys so so so much!!!

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