Chapter 6

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Darkness surrounds me. It's nothing but darkness. I see myself in third person but yet I am moving by myself. I run. Not knowing where to exactly but anywhere. As I run, the ground starts to shake, with every step it shakes even more. I feel the vibration run through my legs, it makes my legs feel weaker with every step I take. I keep moving even though I feel I could collapse at any moment. The shaking stops, when the shaking stops I stop. I look around. The scene starts to change. It's a woods. I look around to see the darkness has faded away and tress have become viable every where I look

A person in front of me appears. It looks just like... Me. I reach out and so does the other me. We touch fingers, I quickly pull it away and so does she. The other me quickly turns around and looks back. She turns back around quickly and looks at me.


That's all she needed to say. She slowly fades away as a man with a knife comes at me. I take off running the opposite direction. I come across a huge stream. I turn around to see the man is my father. He brings the knife up and pushes it right threw my left shoulder. It feels like someone cutting my muscle out in my arm. I fall down on to my knees.

"You thought you could escape me?" he laughs in my face "Think again."

He takes his foot and shoves me in to the stream. The knife in my shoulder makes it hard to move. I feel my self getting weaker and weaker. I know I am going to die. I stop struggling and let fatigue wash over me like the water.

I slowly go under the water, falling deeper and deeper. My lungs burning from loss of air. Suddenly I'm relaxed. I see my father looking down at my now lifeless body. He has the biggest smirk on his face. That's the last thing I see before I wake up.


I wake up screaming on my wooden bedroom floor. Blood has stained the wood around me. I feel hot tears running down my face and my hands shaking. Did I die and come back? Was I in a coma? What happened? I couldn't recall what had happened before the crazy dream emerged. Getting my self together, I get up. I walk to my mirror to see my blood stained shirt. I take the rag I stuffed in my pocket the day before and wipe my arm down.

My Dad comes barging in my door, then the sound of policed sirens. He grabs me by my hair and pulls me down stairs. He drags me to the front door only to be greeted by 10 police men. They stand back on the side walk with guns at aim. My Dad pulls out a hand gun and holds it at my head.

I start to cry and break down. He cocks the gun so it's ready to shoot at anytime. I see Jen and Josh pick in front of a police man.

"Jen! Josh!" I scream.

"Shut up!" he screams. "They can't do anything now."

He holds the barrel of the gun harder to me head. I cry harder. I look at Jen. We make eye contact. I mouth 'I'm sorry. I love you.' She mouths back 'I love you too'. She holds onto Josh harder and cries into him.

This is it. I'm going to die right here. My Dad slowly puts his finger on the trigger. I close my eyes. This is it. I'm done. I start to relax. I realized I wasn't meant to live. I keep my eyes shut when I here the trigger go off. Siring pain shoots through my leg. I buckle down on to my back.

Jen and Josh are instantly by my side. The paramedics are right behind them.

"Saige you're going to be okay baby." Jen says as she kisses me on my forehead.

"Saige you were so strong I'm proud of you honey. I love you very much. You're our daughter now. When he was put into custody it automatically gives us the right to adopt you. I love you." Josh says to me. That's the last thing I here before I am put on to a stretcher and then blackout I hear Jen crying and saying she loves me. Then my hearing goes out. I suddenly lose feeling to my body and fall into a deep sleep.

Adopted By Jennifer LawrenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora