Chapter 11

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************* Saige's POV ************
For the next few weeks I've gotten a lot comfortable with Jen and Josh. But today is the day I've been dreading. It's the day I leave to go to Kentucky to stay with Jen's mom, Karen. I go through my stuff to make sure I have everything.

After running through my room like a mad woman, I finally was ready to go. I picked up my suit case and started down the stairs. Dragging my suit case behind me, it made a thump with each step I took. Eventually I reached the living room, still dragging it because it's too heavy for me. I wander my way to to the front door and set my bag there.

I walk to the kitchen to find Jen and Josh sitting at the eating.

"Sorry I'm late.." I whispered with disappointment in my voice.

"It's okay. I let you sleep so you can be ready for the plane ride." Jen tells me.

"Wait. Plane? Were taking a plane?!" I say quivering.

"Yeah how else are we supposed to get there?" Jen says walking towards me when she notices my quivering.

"I can't. No. No. No. I just-!" I back away slowing then bolting up the steps.

I go in to my room sobbing. I slam the door and lock it. I curl up in a ball and cry uncontrollably. I hear a slight knock on and the door handle being pulled. The handle stops, as the lock does it job.

"Saige please open the door. I wanna talk." Jen said apologetically.

I look at the door resisting the urge to open it.

"Please open the door. We can talk. It's going to be okay. I promise. Please." Jen begs.

I open my mouth but only a whimper comes out. I start to cry even harder. Just the thought of my Mom dying in the crash. I swore to never go back.

I can hear Jen slide down the door. I know she isn't going a way. I slowly get up and unlock the door. I quickly take a step back as the door swings open.

Jen embraces me in a huge hug. I start to sob into her shoulder apologizing in between them.

"It's okay. Your okay.." Jen whispers in my ear.

My sobs slowly come to a stop. Jen takes her thumbs and wipes my tears away. She kissed my forehead and puts me on my bed.

"Why don't you want get on the plane?" Jen asks me straight forward.

"Because my mom died in a plane crash.." I whisper, tears start a steady flow down my cheeks.

"Aw baby. I'm sorry. Please don't cry. Don't cry.." Jen tells me when she hugs me tightly.

"I'm scared Jen.." I tell her as my tears come to a stop.

"Don't. You'll be fine. I promise." Jen tells me.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

I give Jen a reassuring smile. She takes my hand and we walk down stairs. When we go down stairs, Josh has already put the bags in the car. Except mine.

"You can put my bag in. I'm okay now." I tell Josh.

He comes over to me, picks me up and kisses me on the forehead. He tells me he is very proud of me and he loves me. With that he puts me down and grabs my bag and puts in the trunk.

Jen, Josh, and I hop in Jen's car, leaving Josh's behind, as we begin our journey to the airport. Once we arrive, the paparazzi start to go our way. Josh grabs our bags from the trunk and takes off towards the airport.

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