Chapter 7

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I open my eyes for a brief second only to see paramedics surrounding me. I groan in pain from the gun shot.

"Jen.." I groan.

"I'm right here sweetie." Jen saying as she comes to view.

I try to move my fingers so I can grab her hand, but no feeling comes to them. Jen sees what I am trying to do so she grabs my hand. I look down at my leg only to see the paramedics surrounding my blood stained stretcher.

I slightly move my head to the opposite direction, only to see Josh.

"Josh." I try to say.

He quickly looks at me with concern on his face. It soon turns in to a smile.

"Hey baby girl. Your doing really good. Hang in there. We are almost at the hospital. " He tells me and then kisses my forehead.

Everything goes black again. I hear my heart rate monitor go faster and faster. The my hearing and everything else goes away. I stay in blackness for a while. I try to wake up but nothing works.

It only feels like a few minutes but I eventually wake up. I'm clearly still in a hospital. I wonder how long I've been out? I look around the room only to find the room empty but the medical equipment that's hooked to me. My doctor, I think, walks in. I can't remember anybody or anything.. The man stops in tracks and runs out.

"Jen! She's up!" he yells in to the hallway.

The man runs up to me. He keeps looking and smiling at me. I give him a confused look. The woman runs in and hugs me. Once she lets go I scoot back in to my hospital bed.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Saige you don't remember us?" the woman asks.

"No I'm sorry. Am I supposed to?" I say with concern.

"We're your mom and and dad. " The woman says. Tears form in her eyes.

I start to cry. I have no idea who they are but I feel bad for not knowing them. The man gets up and goes to the door. The woman sits on one of the chairs and stares at me. I try to remember who they are. Nothing comes to mind. Moments later the man and I think the doctor comes in.

"Hi Saige. How are you feeling?" the doctor asks me.

"Sore and confused," I tell him.

"That's normal. You will most likely get your memory back soon. Your leg will get better in a few months." The doctor tells me.

"Okay." I look over at the man and women who are apparently my parents.

They are looking at me, I couldn't read their facial expression. Hopeful? Sad? Happy? I couldn't tell. The woman gets up and walks towards me.

"Honey, you should get some rest. You've had a long week. I love you." She tells me.

"Okay. I love you too. " I tell her. I guess that's what I am supposed to say, right?

I turn over on my side facing the opposite direction of the man and woman. Sleep is hard to find but it eventually comes to me.

📚 Authors Note 📚

Hey guys! Sorry for the short late update! I've been in Busch Gardens for the past two days and got braces too!! So I've hadn't had time to update! I will continue to update regularly (Hope so). Again if there are any spelling mistakes I'am very sorry I am doing this on my phone! Anyway I love yall so so much! Prepare for another update!! Don't forget to...

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