Chapter 9

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I wake up in Jen and Josh's spare bedroom. Remembering what happened last night, the memories come flooding back. I never want to go back to that day. Ever. I pull the silk sheets off of me, realizing that I have been changed in to my PJs. I walk down the steps to see Josh cooking breakfast while Jen is sitting on the couch.

"Good morning." I say, not particularly saying it to someone.

"Hey sweetie. You hungry?" Mom asks.

"A little."

"Well, Josh has pancakes cooking along with bacon if you want any."


I sit on the couch next to Jen as she flips through the channels. She stops on the gossip channels. Her face soon appears.

"Oscar winning actress, Jennifer Lawrence, was seen with a little girl while leaving L.A Hospital. Who is this little girl? Will we see more of her? Find out soon as more questions are revealed." The broad caster says to the camera.

"Great..." Jen mumbles under her breath.

She quickly turns off the T.V and turns to me. She had worry and sympathy in her eyes.

"Hey, I got idea. How about after breakfast we go shopping. Sounds good?"

"Yeah. I've never really been to the mall before.." I whisper.

"It's okay." Jen says hugging me.

"Breakfast is ready!" Josh yells from the kitchen.

Jen takes my hand and we walk in to the kitchen. I sit at the table with Jen and Josh on each side of me. Josh has put three slices of bacon and two pancakes on my plate. I slowly reach for the bacon and take a bit of it. It taste soo good! I eat the rest and only eat one pancake. By then I am full.

Jen helps clear the table with me. I lit the dishes in the sink and I start washing them. Jen comes up to me.

"You don't have to do them. We have a dishwasher." She tells me.

"Oh. I'm used to doing them." I tell her embarrassed.

I put the dishes away and go upstairs to get ready to go out. When I was at the hospital Jen got me clothes from a store to hold me over until I get new ones. I put on the skinny jeans and throw on the black t-shirt with a hoodie. I slip on a pair of converse that Jen also got for me. I walk down stairs and brush my hair out and brush my teeth. I was ready way before Jen was so I sat on the couch.

Josh walks to me and sits down on the couch next to me he lifts his up, I quickly cover my face. I feel a hand rest on my right shoulder. I slowly put my hands down and look at Josh.

"I would never hurt you. I promise." he talks me with kindness in his voice.

"Oh." Is all I could say.

He grabs the remote and turns on the T.V I lay under his arm, cuddles against his side. I slowly feel my self drifting to sleep even though I just woke up. I few minutes later I wake up to Jen lightly shaking me.

I sit up groggy, and look at Jen.


"Yeah." Remembering we are going to the mall.

I get up and Jen kisses Josh, we go to the garage and pull out in to the street. I sit up front next to Jen. She turns on the radio to tune out the awkward silence. I stare out the window as I watch all the fancy homes and restaurants fly pass us. Jen turns off the radio as we arrive at the mall. I look at her, she looks out the window by my head to see paparazzi coming right towards us.

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