Chapter 12

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I try to get up off the ground, but the pain hurts to much. I look down at my side to see many pieces of glass stuck in my sides. I look up and close my eyes and try not to think about it. I mange to get up on my hands and knees to crawl around.
After crawling around, my hands have at least 30 pieces of glass in them. I get up and stand. The pain shoots through me, but I ignore it. I walk around with pain in each step. I see Jen laying on her side, there is blood all around her. I rush to her side.
I notice her head is bleeding along with her side. I push her on to her back.
"Jen. Please wake up.." I yell with desperation in my voice. "Jen please! I can't lose you!"
Nothing happens. I start to shake her. Nothing happens. I take her neck and try to find a pulse. Nothing. I cry on to her.
"Mom. Please. Wake up. I need you!" I yell.
I have only called her mom once. Any other time it's Jen.
"Please... I need you. I can't lose you! Jen please wake up!" I yell with tears and sobs in between each word.
I look up and see Josh's body. I gently put Jen down and go towards Josh. Once I stumble towards Josh, I notice he isn't as bad as Jen.
"Josh! Jen-she-she-isn't-breathing..." I cry.
The sobs get harder and harder at the thought of Jen not living anymore.
"Help me up." Josh tells me.
I take his arm and help him up. I let him use me as support even though pain shoots through me. I ignore it as I take Josh to Jen. Once we reach her Josh gets down on the ground I go on the other side of him.
Josh looks down on to Jen. I continue to cry and sob as Jen's lifeless body lays there.
"Please wake up Jen.." I cry in to her. "I need you now. Please don't leave me.."
Josh starts to cry. He holds her hand and kisses her forehead. I get up with anger and sadness. I yank all the pieces of glass in me and throw them down. Blood runs down my side. I don't care. I have lost the person who loved me the most.
I turn around and face Josh. He has now laid next to Jen. I thought I saw Jens eyes flutter but I guess not. She might wake up. She might not. Josh has fallen asleep next to Jen. I start to walk away. He doesn't need me. He needs to focus on Jen. The thoughts run through my head as I walk away from the crash.
I look back at Josh and Jen. I need to get them help. I pull out my broken I Phone that Jen got me a few weeks ago. I type 911 in and report everything. I give them my name and hang up. I put my phone down on the ground and walk away from everyone.
Help is on the way for them. For me, well, nobody needs me. Jen left me for a reason. I start the long painful journey to anywhere. Since we crashed in a nearby woods to the airport I walk towards the perimeter of Kentucky's airport. I sneak by everyone driving past the airport.
I walk down in the woods, letting my feet lead the way. The pain hurts in my side from the big glass that went through me. I stop and look down. The blood has bled though my tank top, shirt, and sweat shirt.
I pull them up and look at the foot long gash. I close my eyes, turning away from it and continue to walk. I stumble in to a nearby small town. I run into a gas station bathroom and lock the door. I get paper towels and wipe the blood off my face. I wipe blood off my legs and arms. I pull my hair up in to a bun. I wipe my neck off and go to the bathroom. I dig in my pocket and find a quarter. I quickly walk out with my head down.
I go around the corner and find a pay phone. I put the quarter in and dial Jen's mom's number.
"Hello?" Karen says.
"Hey is the Karen Lawrence?" I ask holding sobs back.
"Yes. Who is this?"
"I don't matter anymore. You need to go down to the airport. Your daughter has been in a severe plane crash." I tell her as tears roll down my face.
"Oh my god..." she whispers, clearly crying.
"I'm sorry. Bye Mrs.Lawrence.." I hear Karen yell wait but I hang up.
I walk away with tears flowing down my face. I can't believe Jen is dead. I walk away from the city and walk and walk. I look back only once to see helicopters and police sirens everywhere.
**************Josh's POV ************
My eyes flutter open as paramedics are picking me up. I start to fight my way back to Jen. She has to be alive. Her eyes moved. I know they did. The paramedics put me on to an ambulance and drive away. I see people picking up Jen and start yelling.
I fall in to a deep sleep. I don't wake up until I'm out of surgery and in to the ICU. I look around and don't see anyone. My heart rate monitor picks up. The doctor comes rushing in. I start to calm down.
"Your awake Mr. Hutcherson. I have good and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" He asks me.
"Good.." I croak out.
"Okay. Your girl friend, Jennifer, has been on life support. She is alive."
"Thank god.." I whisper. "And the bad news?"
"Saige. Her body has not been found. Also Jennifer had a miscarriage.. I'm very sorry for your losses." He sadly says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.
I process everything that has happened. Jen is alive, but Saige and the baby are gone. Saige has to be alive. I saw her. I swear I did. She helped me to Jen. She helped save Jen's life. I have to see Jen.
"Um. When can I see Jen?" I ask.
"You can see her in a few hours. She is in a coma. She can hear you but she can't see you or talk. You understand?" He tells me.
"Yes sir." I tell him.
"I'll get you when the doctors are done with her." With that the doctor leaves.
I can see Jen! I can tell her about everything that has happened. I try to sit up, but pain shoots through my sides, head, and leg. I touch my forehead and feel a bandage around it. My side is wrapped up and so is the lower half of my leg.
I manage to sit up. I throw my head back. I don't know how I am going to live with myself. If I hadn't fallen asleep, maybe Saige could of been alive. If I didn't get on the plane, we could of drove, Saige would be alive. I turn on my side and go to sleep as the thoughts run through my head.
*************Saige's POV ************
I walk down the back ally of town in Kentucky. I hear people yelling. I run down the ally making a turn in front of a little convince store. I duck inside and act like I am browsing the shop. I see the people run right pass me.
I wait a few seconds before heading out. I take off running down the opposite direction, ignoring the severe pain that shoots through my body. I walk hours on end. I eventually come to a Information Center. I run inside. Thankfully they are open all night.
I run inside and look for train tickets. I find a cheap train ticket to Pennsylvania. I ask the sales lady if I can buy it here. She take my money and hands me a ticket. I tell her thank you and go to the bathroom. Once I come out I hear the T.V on the news.
Breaking News! A plane has crashed near the Kentucky airport due to engine failure. Famous Hollywood stars Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson were on the plane along with their adopted daughter. The body of their daughter has not been found. Investigators have only found the girl's cell phone. If you have any information on Saige's whereabouts please contact the number below.
After that a picture of me appears on the screen along with a phone number. I rush out the door before the worker realized that it was me. I take off to the train station. I arrived within an hour. I keep my head down most of the time. I didn't want anyone to know who I am. Once I grabbed my official ticket I took off towards the train.
Once I hopped on the train. I sat all the way in the back. I pulled my hood up and turned away from everyone. I drifted off to sleep ready for the 10 hour ride.
*********** Josh's POV *********
I was put in to a wheel chair and pushed to Jen's room. Once I saw her, I gasped in shock. She had many machines and wires hooked up to her. The nurse wheeled me to the bed and the left. Once the door shut I grabbed Jen's hand.
"Hey Jen. It's Josh. A lot has happened since you've been out. I have good and bad news. The good news is that I'm alive and your alive. Jen, if you can actually hear me, I want you to know that I love you. No matter what happens to me or you. I will always love you. Forever and always. The bad news is that Saige is gone. We don't where she is at. Jen, you died.. and your back now. It's a miracle. I can't lose you babe. Please stay. Hang on. Jen, you had a miscarriage too... I'm so sorry. Everything is going to be okay though. Just don't leave me babe please. I need you now more than ever. We need each other. Saige is gone now.. please Jen. Wake up soon baby. I love you." I say crying.
With that I wheel myself out. I go through the halls and into my room. I hop slowly in to my bed and fall in a deep sleep.
************* Saige's POV *******
I wake up 6 hours later to people talking. I look around the room, only to remember I'm on a train to Pennsylvania. A lady comes up to me and gives me a water bottle. I take it and thank her as she moves on to the next row of seats.
I chug down the bottle and throw it away. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and rinse my mouth. Feeling a little refreshed I head back to my seat.
I accidentally run in to a man on the way out.
"I'm so sorry sir.." I whisper at him.
"Don't sweat kid. Hey you look like Jenni-" the man tells me.
"I know. I get that a lot." I cut him off.
"Haha. My bad. Hey you okay?" He asks pointing to my blood stained side.
"Yeah. I'll be okay." I tell him.
I look down at my side and see that I have gotten a lot worse.
"No your not. Here take this" he says as he pulls out $100 and puts it in my hand.
"I can't take your money" I say handing it back to him.
"Yes you can. I want to help you. You clearly are not doing to well." He says pointing to my side.
I slowly put the money in my pocket and move out of his way. He walks pass me and in to the bathroom.
I sit down on the seat and fall into another sleep. I keep having restless sleeps. Thankfully no nightmares.
************ Josh's POV *******
I wake up to see Karen sitting at the side of my bed.
"Hey Mrs. Lawrence. I'm so sorry about Jen. It's all my fault. I should of booked an earlier flight. I'm just wish I could've stopped everything. I'm so sorry.." I tell her with disappointment in my voice.
"Josh it's not your fault. You shouldn't take the blame. You can't predict the future. Everything is going to be okay. Once Jen wakes up, I will take everyone back to Cali and you can go home.." Karen tells me.
"Wait, I can't leave without Saige. She's out there somewhere. She is alive! I know she isn't dead. She's the one who called 911. That girl has been through Hell. I don't want her to go back. We need to find her Mrs. Lawrence."
"Don't worry. We have the police everywhere trying to find her. Who knows she could be back in Cali waiting for you."
Karen suggest.
"She wouldn't do that. I know Saige. She can be anywhere! We are talking about a girl who came from Nevada to Cali in two days! She could be in Pittsburg by now!" I shout then suddenly realizing that I am yelling at Karen. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Lawrence. I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry.."
"I know you didn't Josh. It's okay. Get some rest. You will need it." Karen tells me before leaving.
I lay my head down on the pillow and fall in to a deep sleep.
I wake up the next morning to Karen shaking me awake. She had clearly been crying, probably for Jen, I then turn towards her and greet her.
"Hello Mrs. Lawrence." I greet.
"Hi Josh. It's Jen.. She... She.. woke up" she whispers.
"That's great! I need to see her." I slowly sit up and Karen helps me in to the wheel chair.
I quickly wheel in to the hallway and into Jen's room. I see Jen sleeping. She has bandages all over her fragile body. Bandages on her head, arms, legs, and stomach. I wheel to her bed. I grab her hand.
"Jen, I'm so sorry.." I whisper to her
"It's okay Josh. It's not your fault. I heard everything you said to me the other day. I love you too babe." She whispers "Saige. We need to find her. Josh she could be anywhere. What if she is hurt? I need her. I don't know what I would do without her. Josh... We need to get her back..." She now has tears in her eyes.
"Don't worry we will get her back babe.. I'll try as hard as I can. I promise you. She will be fine.." I think about my word choice.
Saige could be dead. She could be alive. She could be hurt. She could be kidnapped. Wait what am I thinking. She has to be alive. I kiss Jen and wheel out to my room. Once I get out of here. I'm going to look for Saige. I need to find her.
📚 Author's Note 📚
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this short filler chapter! It may be short but a lot happens! If you are still reading, I hope some of you are.. don't forget to
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I am very grateful for everyone of my readers! I love yall! See you in the next update!!

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