Chapter 8

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I wake up the next morning still in the hospital. I moan in frustration. I just wanna go home with Josh and Jen. Wait, I remember now! I look over my shoulder to see no one there. Confused, I try to get up but my leg is all wrapped up.

My IV isn't hooked up to me anymore. Trying again, I slowly put one leg over he bed then the other. Feeling accomplished I try to put some weight on my leg. It hurts only a little, must have numbing in it.

I get up and walk out the door slowly. Hobbling down the hall, I see Jen crying against Josh. I walk faster towards them. Once I reach them I hear what Jen is saying to Josh.

"She's gone.. She's really gone. She was only thirteen Josh! She had her whole life a head of her!" Jen says crying.

What? Wait, I'm 13.. am I dead? Did I die? No, that can't be.

"I should've took her right then and there at the police station! None of this could've happened if I just took her!" Jen yells while crying.

"It's not your fault. Shh.. It's going to be okay. " Josh says as he tries to sooth Jen'a sobs.

I try to yell at them.

"I'm right here!!" I yell waving my hands in front of them. "I'm still alive!"

Jen is still crying and Josh is still too. What is going on? I go back to my room and quickly pull out my file and read it.

Saige Marie Lawrence

Deceased at 9:14 am on September 13th 2014

I put the clipboard back in its place and slide down the side of my bed. Then a thought comes to my head. Where's my body? Maybe if I can get myself to wake up, I mean I haven't fully died yet. I'm still on Earth. I get up and run out the door. Running past Jen and Josh and to the hospital directory.

I quickly find the autopsy room. I run down the hall and make a few turns. Once I get there. I walk towards where they keep the bodies when they die. I instantly see mine. I walk up to me slowly. I look down at my naked body. I have bruises, cuts, scratches, and scabs everywhere. I close my eyes hoping to concentrate enough to wake up.

"Wake up!" I yell in my head. "Wake up! Wake Up! Wake up!" now yelling it out loud.

On the last one, a bright white light appears. I walk towards it slowly. I'm either waking up or dying. I step in it. The light is so bright I have to close my eyes. Everything around me goes dark. I quickly open my eyes. I'm where I saw my body but I'm laying on the table.

I start to breath heavily as I try to catch my breath. The lady who works in the Autopsy room comes rushing to me

"Sweetie are you okay? I have no idea how you get here! You were supposed to be.." she says trailing off on her last word.

"I wanna get out of here." I tell her.

She takes the sheet off and hands me a hospital gown. I quickly put it on. The lady picks me up and rushes me to the front.

"We need a doctor stat please!" She quickly rushes as she taps on the desk.

A doctor comes rushing towards us.

"What's wrong Susan?" the doctor asks.

"This little girl was supposed to be in my autopsy room deceased, and the she woke up laying on the table. I had no idea she was alive!" She tells the doctor.

"It's okay. I'll take her back to the room she was in. She was pronounced dead about an hour ago. " He says as he looks at his watch.

The doctor take me from Susan and puts me into his arms. He quickly walks to the room I was in. I see Jen and Josh a head.

Adopted By Jennifer LawrenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora