Chapter 2

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I wake up to boxes covering my face. My heart starts to race but soon slows down when I realize what happened. I move the boxes around me and sit up. I grab my backpack from behind me and eat my breakfast. I step over boxes as I weave my way out. I quietly open the door and it squeaks. I soon realize that it's not my door that squeaked, but the one behind me.

I slowly turn around to be greeted by a man and woman. The woman has a pixie cut and blonde hair. The man has brown hair and styled messy but cute. The man slowly takes a step closer to me. I freak out. I reach for the knife in my back pack. I brought just in case. I hold it out in front me like a sword. I reach behind me and grab the knob as the man stays still. I quickly turn the knob and run out. Slamming the door behind me. I run.

I hear the door open and then close. Foot steps coming closer to me. I run into a near by woods and keep running. I trip and fall and hit my head on some rocks. I quickly touch my head to see blood on my fingers. I hear twigs snapping in the distance so I run faster. I run for another minute or so before everything starts spinning. The woman yells to the man

"Josh! She has a knife! Stop!"

Ignoring her, he keeps running to me. I take a few more steps and then I am suddenly on my knees and fall to the ground. The man comes up to me slowly. That's the last thing I see before everything goes black

I wake up in a strange room. It has light blue walls, with a shaggy tan carpet. I remember running from someone, a man and a woman. I hear foot steps outside the room I am in. I quickly pull out the knife in my back pocket and hold it out. The man comes in along with the woman.

"What do you want?" I say scared but sternly.

"Sweetie it's okay. We aren't going to hurt you," the woman says. She looks familiar but I can't put a name to it

I point the knife at her "Yeah. Sure. That's exactly what the last person said! Before he hurt me!" I spat.

Josh, the man, steps forward. I quickly point the knife at him. He doesn't flinch. Then I realize who they are. Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence. My eyes get wide. They helped me through my life when no one else could. I lower the knife. Josh and Jennifer look confused. I drop the knife on the floor. Josh slowly walks towards me. He slides the knife toward him.

I just look at them. In a haze. I can't believe it. I've threatened the most biggest stars in Hollywood. I start to shake. Jen steps forward and sits on the edge of the bed. I stare at her in disbelief. She smiles at me and places a hand on my thigh. I flinch. The cuts hurt to the touch from my dad. Jen quickly pulls her hand away.

"What's your name honey?" She asks

"Saige." I whisper.

"Beautiful," she says with a smile.

I look at her. She's being nice to me after what I did to her?

"Why are you being nice to me?" I ask as I scoot away from her.

"Becau-" she quickly gets cut off by Josh.

He signals her to come to him. She smiles at me and gets off the bed a walks towards him. They walk out the door and shut it behind them.

I sit quietly not knowing what they are going to do to me. Turn me in to the police? Take me to my dad? Kick me out of their house? I don't what to expect, so I sit quietly while shaking with fear.

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