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Waking up to a crash and tearful giggles were part of the Park family's routine, Jihyo and Jaebum could never stop worrying, but the house was completely child safe, despite everything looking ridiculous with the purple corner protections in every single piece of edged furniture they owned. But their love for their little girl surpassed any desire for fashion they could ever have, and it wasn't like their friends didn't know about their dangerously clumsy, but immensely kind hearted little Sana.

The house wasn't that big or flashy anyways, they lived a simple and happy life, Jihyo was a nurse, she managed her shifts well and never failed to make time to be with her little angel. Jaebum was an engineer, he worked on a car plant, despite his family and upbringing. Im Jaebum was the eldest son of CEO Im, owner of one of the biggest import companies in the country, he was cast out and disowned when he said he was marrying Jihyo.

Mr Im had a wedding planned for his son, a big merge that would expand their business, when he found out his plans weren't quite going as he wanted, the man made quick work of disowning his eldest son and proceeding to put his daughter up for his plans. The real reason Jaebum did what he did was something he would never tell, although he did love Jihyo with everything he had, both knew their relationship wasn't going to be the easiest one to make last.

Jihyo was on her mandatory internship when she met Jaebum, he was rushed in with a nasty cut on his forearm, something about a gory accident when they were building their final project and some soldering gone very wrong. Jihyo was the one responsible for him after the surgery, and she couldn't resist passing up her number to the very bold, and very heavily drugged young man trying his best and failing miserably at being seductive.

Everything grew from there, and they were nearing their first anniversary when Jihyo found out who Jaebum really was, not that his family would change anything for her. To her, Jaebum was the lovable and careless man she had fallen for, he had a small apartment and drove a cheap, beat down car, and she loved everything the man was without the persona he had to put up for the high society. She met Nayeon one afternoon she showed up at his apartment without telling him, and things got a bit heated, that was when the woman blurted out everything, calling her a gold digger and other things Jihyo locked away with much difficulty.

After taking every offense thrown at her, she simply told Jaebum to come by whenever, and only if he felt like talking and left. Nayeon was fuming, trying to make her brother understand he was being scammed, and that's when, for the first time in their lives, Jaebum lost his temper and screamed at his sister. He was enraged and made sure his sister knew Jihyo had no idea who he really was until that very moment, she never cared about anything like that, and they were both very happy with each other. Suffice to say, Nayeon wasn't convinced at all, and Jaebum was shunned from his family that very evening.

They got married that year, not long after the incident, nothing big, just Jihyo's close family, nobody from Jaebum's side except for the one friend that had stayed by his side, Youngjae, a stand up guy, they had met on their college orientation day and worked on an unbreakable friendship since then, both men trusted each other with their lives, and Jihyo would always be grateful that someone was there for her husband when she couldn't. Their beginning was rough, they were two kids that didn't know what to do, scraping by day-by-day, but they were happy, and they would make it.

Little Sana was a very pleasant and welcome surprise, they had just bought their first house, it was small but it was theirs, they had been married for a couple of years, and any time would be a perfect time for Jaebum, he got so excited when Jihyo told him about her, he hit his head on the kitchen doorway and was out for the next hour. Youngjae was the one Jihyo called to help getting her husband on the couch, he was happy too, but made sure to snap a few strategic photos of his friend, for science.

Jihyo, despite being outgoing and very lovable, also didn't have many friends, she had one, to be more precise. Momo was great, a lovable character and kind soul who just needs the right push at the right moments, and Jihyo was always willing to be the one to give that little nudge, they went through their darkest years together, and the happiest too. When Chaeyoung appeared in Momo's life, Jihyo was the one to yell at her friend to get off her ass and not let the small woman go.

Chaeyoung, she was a storm that the best friends would love to get their lives destroyed by, she met Momo at one of the college's dance studios one particularly stressful night on their second year, caused by a very bad teacher that believed he had the perfect method to get his students to learn biochemistry, just because everyone killed themselves to pass the subject and never see his face again. Chaeyoung was a photography major, who also had a passion for dancing, and happened upon the studio Momo was dancing at, and couldn't bring herself to leave, much less stop watching that beautiful woman she just found.

The couple had been together since then, having gotten engaged three months after their first meeting, Chaeyoung said she knew she had to marry Momo and there was no point waiting. It worked wonders for them, especially when the nurses got overwhelmed with the 'hands-on' part of their course and, at least Momo, had the 'I'm engaged' way out of annoyingly flirtatious patients, sometimes doctors as well. What they didn't know, however, was how dangerous jealous Chaeyoung was, and the wedding was the best way to tame the small beast, rushed after she had broken the nose of a doctor she saw coming on to her fiancé that one time she went to pick up Momo earlier.

Jaebum, in turn, came by a few years later, and the couple was just as supportive as jihyo had been for them. Momo was the one who talked to the young man and got him to ask for the pretty nurse's number, making sure Jihyo wouldn't bail on their dates or be stubborn when she was obviously in the wrong. Chaeyoung was always there to help where she could, but she was just happy someone had, finally, come by to give her best friend a proper chance at love. Both did a background check on Jaebum before he could even leave the hospital, and liked what they found, agreeing to give him that little push towards their friend.

When the Im fallout happened, Momo and Chaeyoung were the first ones to step up and try to offer any and every kind of help they could, it may or may not have caused a little clash with Youngjae, who was also very willing to help his friends out. They worked it out in the end, but still, their competitive nature was hard to repress. Jaebum decided they would be Parks, despite Jihyo's reservations, he didn't want anything to tie her and their future children to his parents, saying the blood in their veins was enough, and Park was a better last name anyways, nothing was said about it anymore and they married Park Jaebum and Park Jihyo not long after.

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