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"Are you telling me now, or do you want to stall a bit more?" Nayeon asks, after both are settled on the lounge chairs by the pool, their favorite place to talk with each other.

"I need you to promise me you won't freak out and will stay here and talk to me through the end." He asks, the most serious he had ever been.

"I'll try not to freak out, but I do promise to not leave until we are done with talking."

"Thanks, mom. First off, I've been keeping tabs on Jaebum since you went after him before old man Im passed." He stops and gives the woman some time to process the information.

"I forget that keeping an eye on people is part or our world." Nayeon takes a deep breath. "Please continue, I'm sure it gets bad."

"They are a great family, you know. Aunt Jihyo is an outstanding woman, and little Sana is adorable. Uncle Jaebum is the best man I've ever seen in my life, and they all take life face on, their love for each other just gets stronger and stronger."

"It's good to hear." A fond smile plays on a sorrowful face.

"Aunt Jihyo was pregnant with their second child." Again, Jackson stops to allow the information to get processed.

"Was pregnant? What happened?"

"She had a misscarriage. It happened yesterday and there was nothing that could have seemingly caused it, I'll get more info later, once she leaves the ICU." He releases a shaky breath before continuing. "The boy didn't make it."

"So, my nephew never came to be?!"

"I think it's time, mom." He gets a confused look. "You've been avoiding it long enough, and they need family. It's you go over there and talk to your brother."

"You must know what I did, Jackson. I can't just waltz back into their lives-"

"And you won't. You will wait until I get word that aunt Jihyo is out of danger, and go over there, beg your brother for a chance, take whatever they want to throw at you and make good by them."

"You know, talking like that you are too much like Dahyun." Nayeon chuckles bitterly. "I understand what you are saying, bu-"

"There is no arguing here, you are doing it and I'm going to make sure you do it. They need help, mom, they are barely scraping by, and aunt Jihyo just had a miscarriage, they barely had enough to get by, and now they will have to squeeze out more money to pay for her recovery treatment." Jackson takes a calming breath. "I know the hospital has a great insurance for their employees, but they will still charge for a lot, and aunt Jihyo should be properly cared for."

"If I say I'll go over and try will you promise to not teach Mina to be as scary as you?"

"Absolutely! Ma was the one who taught me this anyways, I'm sure she is raising Minnie just the same. But I'm still waiting on a progress report, just think over what you really need to do when the time comes, I'll take you there when the time comes."

"I promise. Thanks JackJack."

Nayeon side-hugs her son, kissing his head and leaning on him to enjoy the rest of their coffees. Sure, she was torn apart last time she saw her brother, but she also knew she deserved every single thing. And Jackson was right, she has been putting it off long enough, last time was just an excuse, a half-hearted attempt at reaching out again. And if her brother was in need, she was damn well going to step up and do what she needed to do, maybe this time she would actually get somewhere.

Now they just had to wait until things got better, and then reach out to those who deserved the world, Nayeon had been praying for a chance, one single chance to show how much she regretted who she was, and that she was set on chasing that one chance with everything she had. The woman knew the first thing she should do was talk to her wife, and ready herself for when the call came to proceed.

What everyone couldn't foresee was, that one chance of reconciliation would be provided by their very own little girls.

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