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Ever heard that good things happen to good people? Well, somebody lied to you. It happened too fast, too soon, and nobody could have guessed things would turn out like this. And, most certainly, no one wanted any of this to happen. Still, here they are, a broken father, a scared daughter, a bloodied and regretful best friend, all hearing the rushed steps towards them, none willing to lift their heads and tell the two approaching figures what happened, nor wanting to believe it did.

The day started as any other, the Parks woke up, Jaebum made them breakfast while Jihyo got Sana ready for school, they ate, said their goodbyes and went on their ways. Momo picked up Jihyo, giving Sana a hug before the girl left for school with her father, they went through their chores, Jihyo was, once again, forbidden from anything that would put a strain in her body, so she was manning the nurse station, which was becoming one of her least favorite things to do.

Then everything changed, in the blink of an eye, and Momo will forever swear it was the worst day of her life, even worse than that time Chaeyoung fell from the second floor and broke seven bones, while trying to 'get the perfect angle'. Jihyo, who felt a little off since she woke up, felt a sudden sharp pain in her stomach, like a hot knife was slashing through her abdomen, the scream she let out before passing out on the floor was something that would haunt everyone who heard it for days. Momo was there, busy filling her reports, and she went on autopilot as soon as she saw her best friend hit the floor.

The Code Red team arrived in record time, Momo was trying to access the situation, but nothing seemed to be a problem at first, Jihyo had stood up, screamed and passed out, that was, until blood started to pool around her hips, then, the japanese woman knew exactly what was happening, and there was nothing she could do by herself, except hold her best friend close, and wait for the emergency team to arrive and tell them what happened, and to hurry up, before it's too late.

As they were known to be sisters from different mothers, Momo was denied access to the room they had Jihyo on, she was dismissed indefinitely, as soon as HR heard what happened, Jaebum was called, he excused himself from work and went to pick up Sana, he wanted her to know everything that was happening to her mother. Momo managed to ask one of their colleagues to call Chaeyong, and told them to ask her wife to call Youngjae as well, the peach herself was incapable of much else.

The following hours went by in a blurr, if you asked any of them what had happened, an answer couldn't be provided, their walloing was broken when a nurse came out of the O.R. and Momo was the one to stand up and speak first. The others didn't seem to process someone had come out of the room as fast as she did, maybe the years coming in and out of those had made her more attentive to these things, or maybe she was the one most traumatised so far, having seen everything happen right in front of her and being unable to do anything.

"Just say it, Chungha." Momo demanded, seeing the slight hesitation on her colleague.

"She will pull through, we couldn't save the baby, and Jihyo lost a lot of blood, so we are keeping her asleep for now. No visitors allowed yet, and we are moving her to the ICU, but she is stable and there is nothing to worry about this far." The woman lays it on them just like Momo asked.

"Alright, when is she being transferred?" The older nurse asks.

"In an hour or so, we are still preparing the room for her and she needs to be cleaned up too, you know the process." The junior shrugs. "Now, I'll go back in and follow everything closely."

"Thanks, Chu. I'll try and have them eat something." Momo hugs her and turns back to everyone once Chungha is back in the operation room.

"Should we be worried?" Youngjae asks weekly.

"Yes and no. No because Chungha said she is stable already, the ICU is standard and she should be monitored for a day or two before being moved to an apartment. And yes, we lost the baby, and she will take it as hard, if not harder than Jaebum is."

They all approach the man, silently crying and hugging his daughter, he had heard everything clearly, but couldn't bring himself to do anything other than let himself break a little, knowing they had just lost their little boy, Park Jinyoung would never come to be, and he knew Jihyo would be the one to blame herself completely, despite being nobody's fault to begin with. Little Sana was crying too, she didn't understand everything that was happening, but her father was crying and she knew her mother was sick, so she cried too.

Youngjae took the kid, and Momo and Chaeyoung dragged Jaebum to the restaurant, they needed to make him eat something and Sana must be hungry too, as they all were. It may be a bit rough to do that as soon as they learned their baby boy was gone, but it has been over five hours since they arrived, and it was Momo's orders, she knew how to keep them well and healthy, despite blaming herself at the moment. It sure was very hard to make the man eat something, Sana had fallen asleep on Youngjae's arms as soon as he finished feeding her, and they were waiting for Jaebum to finish, they knew he was stalling and wouldn't eat at all if left alone.

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