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"Will any of you tell me now?" Jihyo demanded the second nurse Kim had wheeled her baby girl out. Met with headshakes in denial.

Only Nayeon, Jaebum and dr Lee knew the baby's name so far, and none of them were present at the moment. Dr Lee was making rounds, had already dropped by and said she would be back the next day, as Jihyo had herself and Momo to handle things and the entire nurse crew was lowkey rioting to come over and take care of Jihyo. Exaggerated? Perhaps, but the entire hospital crew still had Jinyoung very vividly in their minds.

Jaebum was out, filing the paperwork for his daughter, and Nayeon had insisted on tagging along and heading to her lawyer's office right after, so they could include the baby in the family tree right away, and they were in the prefecture already, she might as well just get all the official documents and hand them in already. Jaebum and Jihyo had just given up and accepted the woman's stubbornness on the matter.

"So, where is my baby?" Is the first thing they hear in a voice they missed dearly, with a familiar face popping through the door.

"It's not your baby, you idiot! Now get in and make way, I want to see my baby." Another voice they missed a little less followed.

"Just get in or she won't stop blabbering, Tzu." Jihyo sighs.

Chaeyoung and Momo jump to their feet and squeeze the goddess with all the longing that had accumulated throughout these months. Elkie just laughs, and looks on fondly, she might not have spent as long as Tzuyu in their presence, but both goddesses looked over them and came to the mortals they had fallen in love with through their dreams. Not what Tzuyu really wanted, but she had to make do.

All went on to talk about nothing specific, just happy that Tzuyu and Elkie had managed to come down and visit in person. Jackson and Youngjae arrived at some point, bringing Sana and Mina, who immediately jumped their favorite goddess the moment their eyes landed on her. Tzuyu was elated, she had a very hard time missing these little rascals, sure, she was watching over them and still granting their wishes, but was confined to the gods' realm and unable to do as she wished.

Nobody really knows how long they were there for, until Tzuyu blurted out a question that had Jaebum handing his baby to his sister and silently dragging the goddess out of the room for iminent dismemberment. What did she do this time? Well...

"So, when do I get to meet Jeongyeon? Is the nurse coming back with her or what?"

Everyone pauses, they were hearing the baby's name for the very first time and Jaebum was livid, the man was coming back to announce the name for everyone, and met dr Lee in the hallway, who told the nurse to just hand him the baby and let the man take his daughter back. He came in the moment that damn deity blurted out the one thing he wanted to tell everyone himself.

Gucci's blessing was still working beautifully, apparently. In no time Jaebum was back to his family, taking his baby girl back from Nayeon who was still amused and looking over all the other occupants of that room. They all knew about Jihyo's family, having come to the knowledge differently, but knew everything anyways. And Jihyo was just looking at her husband, all the love she could never put into words pouring out to this man who gave her his life, two beautiful daughters and, now, a gift she never thought she would get.

"You alright there, love?" Jaebum asks, still playing with his baby but approaching the bed to settle beside his wife.

"I-" Is all Jihyo manages before letting the tears stream down her face and engulfs that wonderful man (as best as she could, Jeongyeon still in his arms) and clashed their lips together.

"Woah, alright. Remember to keep it PG, though." Chaeyoung had to be the one to ruin it.

"Fine, but just because I want the girls to be introduced to Jeongyeonnie." Jaebum laughs as he detaches from Jihyo. "Sana, Mina, come here."

The girls turn their attention to the man, and notice the baby for the first time, they had been busy playing with Jackson. Jaebum tells them to be quiet, and explains that the baby would get scared with loud noises, then backons both girls closer as he crouches carefully.

"This is Jeongyeon, Sana's new little sister." Then he turns to Mina. "She is your little cousin, Minnie. Can you girls promise to take care of her and help her as she grows up?"

"Yes!" Both girls say a little too loud, and shush each other immediately after.

The adults chuckle, and Tzuyu approaches with nothing but love in her eyes. They knew the goddesses had probably sneaked out to come and see the baby, so Jaebum hands the little girl over. Elkie comes along as well, and both deities place a soft kiss to the baby's forehead, a soft and warm light engulfs the three, then the entire room. Everyone else just looks on and allow the goddesses to take over them with that warm and loving presence. Tzuyu was blessing the child, making her another priestess of their Deer Goddess.

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