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"Yes?" It comes out more annoyed than intended.

"I know you are getting examined and whatnot, and that I'm supposed to be at your place to watch Sana, but who is this tall and beautiful woman already here?"

"Youngjae, please calm your hormones down." The nurse asks, already feeling the headache kicking in. "That's Tzuyu, she is a goddess and is hanging around Sana to make all her wishes come true. Now, I know technically Tzuyu is a responsible adult, but she isn't exactly the most responsible when it comes to keeping our little girl under control, so I'm hoping you can get past the raging boner I know you already have, and make sure they don't get in trouble."

"Okay, first of all, I'm not taking that kind of language, young lady. And I'm not that desperate." The man tries to argue back.

"Maybe not, but she is a pretty lady and we all know you can't keep yourself in check near pretty ladies."

"I ca-"

"You still get flustered around me and we've been together since I met Jaebum, in a matter of fact, you introduced me to Jaebum."

"Point taken." He surrenders. "I'll try to keep them out of trouble."

"Good." Jihyo says, without much conviction. "We'll be home as soon as we can, and Chae is working from home today, so call her if you need anything, she is good in controlling those two."

"I will. Bye, Ji. Keep us updated."

"Will do, bye bye."

With that, the call is over. Jihyo just sighs, she knew having Youngjae look after her two troublemakers was risky, but she also knew Chaeyoung needed to finish her work, she got to charge a very handsome 'hurry up' fee and both her and Momo needed the extra cash. Speaking of the other nurse, she was looking suspiciously at Jihyo from the moment she arrived and the smaller woman wasn't about to lose, it was a game they often played, and none was about to give in.

Tzuyu had been with them for a couple of weeks now, things ended up falling into routine pretty well, surprisingly. The goddess was just a big child (sometimes just a big puppy), and both Jihyo and Jaebum ended up thinking of her as their older daughter, the deity surely was as troublesome as Sana, and was very reckless in sticking to her 'attending to Sana's every whim' promise. Sure, the couple now had another mouth to feed and one more source of headaches, but they decided to just roll with it and not claim the problem for themselves if they didn't have to.

Right now, Jaebum was accompanying his wife to her doctor's appointment, to make sure she was recovering properly, and maybe get her the ok to go back to her usual workload. She was already trying to sneak in some things she wasn't supposed to be doing, maybe that's why Momo had been giving her the stink eye, well, patience. Sure enough, the all clear was given, and the woman couldn't be happier, Jaebum texted their 'Family' group chat as soon as they got the news (the group consisted of Jaebum, Jihyo, Momo, Chaeyoung and Youngjae).

Speaking of Youngjae, bless his heart, they had been trying to find him someone for a while now, he was a great, stand up guy, and the group had been trying to find someone that was good enough for him and get the man to find his better half. The problem was, he had been single for, maybe, too long, and would always show a little desperation whenever he went on a date, most found it too much, and the two couples were trying to get him the person who would find it endearing. But, for now, the deity living with the Parks wasn't an option and Jaebum was eager to get home and stop his best friend from embarrassing himself further (they all were aware Tzuyu could read their thoughts and Youngjae's were less than pure most times).

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