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"Come on, Jackson, we should get going. I have something for you already." Dahyun says simply.

"This way mrs Im." They proceed to the elevator.

Both were very silent on their way down, knowing they weren't in the clear to talk about certain things, old man Im had his filth spread everywhere.

"I want ice cream, could we go get some?" Dahyun asks, loud and clear once they are inside the car.

"When you said you had something, I thought you meant, finally, giving me some papers, instead of having me run around for another one of your cravings." He answers, making it believable for their tails.

"Oh no." Dahyun gasps, keeping the playfulness, but having understood her message went through. "What will I do if Mina is born looking like ice cream?"

"I'm going to pin that on your pregnancy, but you aren't even making sense anymore. Let's go get that ice cream before you start thinking more weird nonsense."

They laugh, and Jackson starts the car, both keep making light conversation about menial things until they reach their destination. Dahyun and Jackson go way back to their teenage years, she found him about to die in an alley and did everything for the scrawny boy to survive, then took him in like her own son, despite being younger. Jackson told her about his life, as an orphaned and helpless young man, Dahyun took him in, called in the right favors and had him officially registered as her son. She made sure he was brought up to be the best man she could make out of him.

Now, he was a, although a little short, well built and immensely skilled man, who would do anything and everything for her, the only man she trusted with her life. They went to one of their safehouses, the front, an ice cream shop, but, as soon as they entered, the 'owner' offered them a special table and they were out of sight for the ones trying to follow them. Dahyun led the way through the back corridor, pressing her hand against a specific point on the wooden panels and opening a door to their safe room, not forgetting to leave bags, coats and phones outside.

"So, are you telling me what you found out and what I'm supposed to do, or are you really just eating ice cream?" He asks, amused.

"I'm telling you, but you could have let me enjoy some ice cream first." The woman rebutts.

"I know you love the ice cream here and all, but we are taking, like, a bucket home, just tell me before we are here too long to be believable."

"I forgot about them. Right, so, you saw the nurse, right?" She receives a nod and continues. "She is married to Nayeon's brother, the one we made sure to bury any traces of months ago?"

"Wait, that was THE Park Jihyo I've been hearing so much about?"

"That would be her, beautiful, isn't she?" Both chuckle at that. "As you heard yourself, Jaebum is pushing himself to exhaustion, and she is working until her water breaks because things aren't all that well for them."

"Who do you want me to make a raise happen for?"

"I want you to get Jaebum promoted. Make it believable, buy the plant if you have to, but I want them to have a little more room to breathe. You heard how tired she sounded herself in the office."

"Will do. But why did you decide to check on them now? Even changing your doctor to check on her."

"Because Nayeon can't, and I want to help them. I know it might be just the 'help my wife's brother' thing, but you know as well as I do they are hard working people, never looked back on the fortune Jaebum was supposed to have, and held their heads up, regardless of what life threw at them."

"I was the one who found them and made sure they wouldn't be found by the others, remember?! I spent months seeing them struggle before I found out they were having a child."

"Exactly, and now I'm doing what I can to help. I know it's not the same as sharing my full fortune, or Nayeon's for that matter, but they can use the extra cash, and I want my niece to be born in a household that isn't scraping by to raise her."

"Consider it done, but I can't do it overnight, just be patient and let me do my thing."

"Always am. Now let's go, we've been here enough."

"I do have a question, though."


"Why are the filth still trailing us? Old man Im died months ago."

"His wife got paranoid and put that idiot kid on our tails, thinking I'll convince Nayeon to cut her off once Mina is born."

"If only she knew... But I'm already working on that kid, it shouldn't last that long, and I promise to be done before Minnie is born."

He kisses the baby belly and saunters out of the room, retrieving his phone, wallet and coat, before getting Dahyun's. They go back to the front, where their ice cream to go is already waiting for them and go on their way. Both making sure to be just flashy enough for their scouts to see them and keep their 'monitoring', honestly, the desperation of old lady Im and that Bambam brat was starting to get to Dahyun's nerves.

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