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"Are you ever telling me what you were up to today?" Dahyun asked when they had settled down for the evening.

Nayeon got home a few hours before, looking absolutely devastated but unwilling to talk about it, so, as the great wife she was, Dahyun had distracted her with a nice dinner and the new episode of that bad drama the older woman liked so much. Now that they were laying down, waiting for sleep to come and basking in each other's presence, she knew it was alright to ask.

"Only if you promise me you will let it rest as it is." Nayeon asks, her tone grave enough to show she wasn't negotiating.

"But if it got you looking like that, of course I'll want to do something about it."

"And I love you for that, but this time I need you to promise me you won't do anything. All of this is my fault and I need you to just stand back and don't interfere."

"Okay, I promise."

"No matter what happens, you can't move a finger about this." The urgency in Nayeon's voice made it clear thi wasn't something she would say unless Dahyun was completely honest about not interfering.

"I promise I'm not going to do anything about whatever made you look like that." She agreed, looking at her wife expectantly.

"Just a second." Nayeon gets out of bed, pulling out a box-like device from her suitcase and turning it on. "Precautions." She simply explains.

Both women knew that Bambam was after Nayeon's position, and may as well have wired her entire life, the boy managed to gain mr Im's favor before the man fell sick, but that event threw a wrench to his plans when Nayeon took over and only kept him around because it was more dangerous to let him go. The older one took a deep breath, steadying herself and choosing her words carefully, upsetting her wife was never something she wanted, especially during pregnancy.

"Alright, are you talking now?" Dahyun cued.

"I went to see my brother." She said simply, and waited for the information to sink in.

"Go on."

"Father isn't that well, and he said something about seeing his children one last time before he passes, I don't really know. I was more of a dying, entitled man's mumbling, but I'm sure mother also understood what he said."

"And that's bad because?"

"Well, did I ever tell you how I became the heir, despite being the second child and a woman?"

"No, but I'm guessing I won't like it very much. BUT! You already started talking, so out with it." Dahyun demanded, sitting up on their bed to look at her wife properly.

"You see, my brother was never really fond of father's ways, so he took the first opportunity he had to escape and went away. He had applied to college on the other side of the country and made sure to not take a single cent from our family as soon as he set foot out the door."

"That's a good man right there. Still, I feel that's not all, and I'm about to get mad at you."

"Could you stop reading me and just let me talk? Thanks. So, I was kind of pissed at him for leaving me behind. I was a naive and spoiled teenager at the time, all that was going through my mind was that the one person who was supposed to be there with me all the time went away." Nayeon took a breath, willing herself to continue. "So I sought him out, sure our parents had given up on him and were just waiting for his graduation to force him into marrying you and binding the companies."

"Oh, so this was the fiancé I was told about back then. That explains a lot, really. I was told my fiancé was much older man but a nice person, then you came along and I was confused on how two years was supposed to be 'much older'..... And the man part as well."

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