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To say people get used to anything, be it good or bad, is one of the absolute truths of life, Momo and Jihyo have fallen victims of that and couldn't, for the life of them, understand why there were so many staff members whispering under their breaths and quite a few confused faces around the hospital. There had been a pile up, people! Get your asses to work! Obviously, they didn't really have the time to dwell on their frustrations towards their colleagues, especially now. Everyone who could be of help and wasn't on the clock had been called in, and that's how our two OB nurses ended up running around the ER and helping wherever they could.

Momo had specialized in trauma, before she decided it wasn't really for her and specialized once more, this time in obstetrics. Jihyo, on the other hand, chose orthopedics at first, but switched to something with better hours once Jaebum and her decided to try for kids. So, besides not being willing to let go of such capable duo,the hospital knew they would never mind being placed back into their former departments when needed.

Right now, we have the two of them in the same OR, assisting in a surgery on a young looking woman, she was rather tall and languid, but beautiful. It would be such a shame if this lady didn't have the chance to live her full potential, and the team was damn sure doing anything and everything they could to make sure she would. What got the duo intrigued, though, was the looks the rest of the team had on their faces, sure there was the urgency and slight despair that came with any emergency surgery, but there was also a lot of confusion, bewilderment and disbelief.

"Okay, I know this is not the time, but I have to ask." Jihyo didn't resist.

"Hold this up." The doctor commanded, nobody stopping their tasks, nor allowing themselves to get distracted. "What's wrong, Park?"

"Well, Dr Chen, I've been noticing everyone with a confused look, and neither Hirai nor myself have figured out the reason." She explains between little grunts, they were about to snap the patient's leg back into place, and she was helping position it correctly.

"You two seriously haven't noticed it?" Dr Lee, the trauma surgeon decided to chime in.

"No at all, Dr Lee." Momo answers this time, Jihyo was already into the procedure. "We have been discussing it all day, but came out empty handed."

"You two never fail to amaze me." Dr Lee has true wonderment in his voice. "A woman with bunny ears has been walking around the ER all day and none of you have noticed?"

"What woman?" Momo asks again, seeing that Jihyo was out of the conversation for the time being.

There had been some aggravated damage to the patient's left side, the trauma team was working on the upper body, while orthopedics was fighting to have this woman not lose her ability to walk. Sure, they talked about other things during surgery, but this specific team, was one of the best Korea had to offer, and off-topic conversation was one of their ways to keep focus. So they talked.

"Alright, we are about finished here." Dr Chen declared after a stretched silence, where both teams were just focused on their own tasks. "Kim, prepare for suture." The young resident gets startled. "Congratulations, you are closing up today."

"Tha-tha-thank *ahem* thank you, ma'am." The older ones chuckle at the kid's nervousness.

"Don't worry too much, Kim, just follow my instructions. Park is here too, she'll carry you through it." Dr Chen laughs, the ones that know Jihyo and know the truth to those words follow.

"You give me too much credit, doctor." Jihyo tries to dismiss the compliment.

"Oh, don't give me that, Park. You and Hirai over here should brag a bit more, you two earned it." Dr Lee quips, never really removing his eyes from the patient. "We've been operating without having to tell neither of you anything, do you know the level of skill that takes?"

"Thank you doctor, but I'm sure we still lack a lot." Momo is the one to answer this time.

"And that, dear newcomers, is the attitude that gets you to the level of skill these ladies find themselves at." Dr Lee concludes, addressing the students and residents who were observing.

The two friends just chuckle, not really willing to stay on the subject, knowing there were more people for them to help, and both also wanted to go and see this bunny woman they had been hearing about. If it was, as they feared, one of Tzuyu's companions, there was more trouble on the way, surely.

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