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"Hyun? What's up?" Jihyo asks lightly, she was shopping with Momo and Chaeyoung, well, she was in the same market as them....... She thinks.

"Hey Hyo." She sounded worried. "I have to talk to you and Jae, well, we need to talk to both of you."

"Sounds serious. Come to the house, we'll have dinner and you can tell us what's up."

"Will do, we are leaving work now and should arrive at your place in about two hours?"

"We'll be waiting. But don't strain yourselves and drive carefully."

"Will do, thanks Hyo."

They hang up and now Jihyo is very worried. Despite anything, she knew Dahyun would never sound like that without reason, and that Nayeon would put her own life on the line to protect them, be it for the love for her brother or the guilt for her past actions, and this very serious sounding phone call meant something not so good was happening. Might as well just have everyone over and up to date on things as they happened.

"You done, Ji?" Momo asked when Chaeyoung and her got out of the supermarket and found Jihyo sitting by the entrance.

"I've been done for quite a while. But looks like something came up on Nayeon's side, so they are coming over for dinner to talk to us, and so are the two of you. I already messaged Youngjae and he'll be over as soon as he can."

"Alright, mind if we drop by our house first? We'll take a quick shower and get going."

"Of course not, and you two can put your groceries away too."

And so they head out, believe it or not, Momo and Chaeyoung were ready in less than twenty minutes, they took turns putting away the groceries while the other was showering and got ready to leave soon. There was a dry age experiment Chaeyoung had been working on, so they took that and Jihyo had texted Jaebum to start making the rice and get a salad going with what they did have, he answered that there wasn't much for the salad, but he would start one with what they had anyways.

When they arrived, Jackson and youngjae were already there, suspiciously close to each other. Nobody had ever seen the two together, as Youngjae had been called in last minute to fix some error in the production line that needed him right away, last time they were all supposed to get together. The woman wasn't that slow, no matter what Chaeyoung tried to say, it was obvious there was something intimate going on there, but she could just question her nephew later, now there seemed to be more pressing matters at hand.

Oh, and there was another goddess that just showed up that morning too, and that's when the group reaches the living room, they find a new (stunning) face with bunny ears and very angered, looking at Tzuyu on the corner, sitting on her knees with her arms up and what appears to be a regretful face. None would know, Tzuyu never really regrets anything, and that's what prompts Jihyo to just out and ask.

"Oh, hello." The small nurse greets. "I'm Jihyo, these are Momo and Chaeyoung." She points to the other two, who bow when their names are said. "I'm guessing you came here for that one?"

"Finally! I get to meet THE Park Jihyo." The woman stands up and barrels towards Jihyo to hug her.

"I'm that famous, now?!" Jihyo laughs trying to defuse the situation, Chaeyoung and Momo already losing themselves behind her.

You see, Jihyo was a bit touchy with new people, and she got very, very upset whenever someone she didn't know invaded her personal space. Sure, she is a nurse, but treating someone was very different from a person she had never seen before just up and hug her like this. Jaebum was trying his best to signal to the bunny woman to let his wife go, but it looks like she wasn't intending to listen to anyone but her own whims.

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