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"Mina, honey, please cooperate." Nayeon begs, trying to put her daughter on her carseat.

"Dunwanna!" The child keeps complaining.

"Minnie, be nice for mommy." Dahyun commands as she enters the driver's seat. "We are going to take you to auntie Chaengie and you are going to have fun there for a few hours."

"But I don't wanna be away from mommies." Mina pouts, and her mothers chuckle.

"I know, honey, but mommies have to take care of a few things and we can't just leave you alone." The older one explains.

"I can stay with Jackie Jackie."

"Jackson is going to help us, sweetie, so be a good girl for mommies and obey auntie Chaengie." Dahyun says, still soothing, but much more firm now.

Mina just huffs a little and starts looking out the window, she falls asleep soon after, they hadn't even made it out of their neighborhood yet. Nayeon smiles when she turns around to see why the little girl was so quiet, and takes the opportunity to talk to her wife a little.

"You know, it still amazes me how you managed to meet Chaeyoung and become such great friends."

"Oh, Chaengie is a genius, she went to the same school as me on a full scholarship, and we happened to be in the same class."

"And how come you never hired her?" Nayeon wonders. "I mean, if she really is a genius, she must be a great option for hiring."

"She is on the artistic side, not really a fan of corporations. I don't think she would be happy with an office job where she can't express herself, and I can't live with knowing she isn't happy because she is doing her best to do what I asked of her." Dahyun answers with a fond smile.

"You really do love her, huh?!" Nayeon mirrors the smile. "It's good to have someone like that in our lives."

"You just haven't spent that much time with her, it's hard not to love that midget."

"Not like you can talk much about midgets." The older one barks out in laughter.

"Glad to know you are enjoying yourself. But seriously, it's hard to not like Chae, and Momo is right up there with her on the likable scale."

"Momo? You never said anything about a Momo."

"Don't worry that pretty little head of yours. Momo is Chaeng's wife, they got married merely months after they met, but both were certain of each other and it worked out great for them."

"Now, THAT is a rare thing to happen." The taller woman sighs. "But why haven't I heard of Momo before?"

"Because she isn't home that much, whenever I go visit, and she can rarely come along whenever we meet." The pale woman says, a little saddened.

"Oh, is she-"

"No, no, nothing like that. Momo is a nurse, she is on the trauma team, so she is almost always on call. It works well with Chaeyoung's crazy hours, but most times I get to visit she is working, and when we go out, she can't really come along, since she could get called in at any moment."

"Ah, that must suck. I would think she can't even go drinking, being on call."

"Momo loves her job, I doubt she even considers her restrictions as, well, restrictions." Dahyun laughs. "She is great, one of the loveliest people I ever met, and, hear and behold, she is home today."

"Oh, so I get to meet, not only the legendary Son Chaeyoung but also her lovely wife?" Nayeon muses.

"She is Hirai Chaeyoung now, but yeah, you get to know them both."

They make light conversation for the rest of the ride, and arrive at a very familiar neighborhood to Nayeon, she had been there not long before, and didn't really leave with the best memories. Nonetheless, they make their way to the simple house, and a homey feeling seeps into the couple as they take their little girl to be cared for while they attend the funeral. They knew neither could really manage to get themselves out of the 'proper' procedures required by the society, old lady Im, as a lady of high status, would do anything in her power to have them there.

At least, they could get little Mina out of it, and by the gods, will Nayeon keep her girl out of all that high society, nose up in the air, stick up their asses hyenas that would be more than happy to throw their kids on her little girl just so they could have a shot at their fortune. None of them was really there because that damned brat was anyone important, Dahyun, Jackson and herself were there for appearances, and to throw old lady Im out of their scent, not that Nayeon would ever know of that part.

Honestly, taking Bambam out of the picture took longer than anyone had wanted, but he did become useless right after his 'accident', a truck ran a red light and sent his car flying, he had been in an induced coma for a little over a year, before having a 'heart attack' and passing away during the night. Old lady Im had, predictably, spared no resources on his medical care, and Dahyun and Jackson took the opportunity to have Nayeon slide into the board and win over the directors while her mother was 'too busy' watching over trash.

Nayeon had thought the accident was unfortunate, but Dahyun had stepped in on one of the board meetings and suggested it was time for her to take her place, as old lady Im wasn't up to the task anymore.

The woman fit in better than anyone could expect, and, soon enough, the board had decided that Nayeon was guiding the company to a better future than her parents could ever have imagined, and she was placed as head of the board, despite her own protests that director Choi should be the one to have the position as she didn't have enough experience yet. Dahyun was beyond relieved, she didn't really need to do much to get her wife where she deserved, and the board was already in the palm of Nayeon's hands merely weeks after she was put to the test.

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