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To say Nayeon was distressed would be underestimating the situation by quite a lot, she had been distressed about six hours before, right now, she was something else entirely. The reason was simple, they were having Sana over for the first playdate in months, so far Jihyo had been too kind to have her children over, and even allow Jackson to take the girls out by himself, even with Dahyun on occasions. Jaebum was still full of reservations about everything, but he knew his wife would be the first one to pull out if things started heading south.

Jihyo was full on mama bear, and everyone who had seen her with her kid knew perfectly well that she will not hesitate to cut a bitch. Jaebum was more on the plotting and scheming side, he would get angry, but make the person punish themselves rather than just punching someone's face in. Very Jigsaw style, but still subtle and enough for him to be exempted if anything got out of hand. And Sana was, despite certain deities, their only daughter.

What got Nayeon past the point of no return, however, was that her mother just decided to show up at her house, claiming she wanted an update on the Im Corp. and was refusing to wait for a shareholder meeting, as the woman really held no power on the company and Nayeon made sure her team owed nothing to her mother. So, the woman was having one of her selfish fits, stomping around her daughter's house and demanding to be filled in on every single thing that was happening in the company she never really held any control over.

Dahyun, on the other hand, was doing her best, along with Jackson, to keep Mina busy and as far away from her grandmother as possible, particularly to prevent the girl from saying a word about her cousin coming over to spend the weekend. Mainly because said cousin would be arriving with two real deities and was the child of a man old lady Im had banned everyone from speaking of.

"Mother, you can come to the shareholder meeting at the end of the week, and all your questions will be answered." Nayeon tries her best to not snap at her mother.

"I want you to answer my questions now." The woman insists.

"And I have already said I will not talk business in my house. This is where I'm dedicated to my family, and not a single conversation about the company will happen here."

"This is not how your father taught you." The old woman scowls, each word laced with venom. "He was a great businessman, he worked every day."

"I know, and that's how your family went very wrong. Now, mother, I will not repeat myself further. Please leave, and wait for the meeting like everyone else. No business will be discussed in this house and that's final."

Nayeon then grabs her coffee mug and leans back into her office's chair, stating that the conversation was clearly over. Sure, she had an "office" in her house, but it was really just a room where she would take her mother whenever the old woman would show up. She shared it with Dahyun, who also had a policy of no work in their house. Mainly, it was a place for them to answer private calls and talk to people they didn't want parading around their residence. It was right at the entrance, accessible by the entry hallway and whomever was brought there wouldn't even have the chance to see so much as their living room.

Dahyun had dismissed the office room when they were building the house, but little did she know it would be the best choice they ever made, even better than going ahead with their arranged marriage. Old lady Im stomped around a little more before turning on her heels and storming out of the house, very colorful insults towards her daughter being whisper-shouted on her way. The driver, an old man that had been working for the old Ims for years, was already waiting by the door when the woman passed him, he threw Nayeon a sympathetic smile and left.

Now they could breathe easier, and Nayeon was left with the task to call Jihyo and tell her they could bring Sana. Dahyun made the point that she was the one to call them and warn about old lady Im, so her wife should be the one calling to give them the go ahead, which, the older one couldn't really protest, as it made a lot of sense. Not only that, but had they arrived with lady Im around, things would get just too complicated for all involved. Who knows, maybe Jihyo would have to hide that body, afterall.

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