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(Proof read)

What happens before —>

" I W I N," he said with spaces between his words. "Now put your hands down and show me that chest of yours," Jimin said with a smile.

Namjoon's POV

Jimin sat there as I had my arms wrapped around my chest. "Well," he said with a face full of smiles. I look at Jimin with a face of regret. Who the fuck knew Jimin was a fucking beast who works out. 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is not just a statement: it's the truth. Well, I know that I just did not care.

Jimin looked at me "ok take your arms down. You lost the bet" he says with a smile. "Ughhhhh" I rip my hands from blocking my own body and put them to my side. Jimin takes his phone out again. "You're gay and I know it, Jimin" I say to Jimin as he takes pictures of me.

"I keep telling you I'm not gay, Namjoon" Jimin said proudly. "for someone who is supposed to be nice, you're a complete asshole" I said with a face cold as ice. "Nammie, that's not very nice of you, now stop moving I want a picture of you" Jimin said as he looks at his phone screen. "Smile" Jimin said as he smiled at me.

I gave Jimin a cold stare and let him take pictures of me. "Are you finished? It feels like you've taken 20 pictures" I said as I started to get more and more annoyed by him. "Let me take one last one" Jimin says as his phone covers his face. "Ok, I'm finished" Jimin said while putting his phone away. "I'll show these to TaeTae later" Jimin said with a mischievous smirk on his face. "J-Jimin please don't do that. Anything but that" I say as Jimin's face starts to perk up.

"Anything" Jimin says as his smile gets bigger and bigger. "Well, maybe not anything" I said as I look downwards at the floor. "Well, I guess I can post these all over the internet" Jimin says as he shows me my pictures. "I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAD MADE THAT DUMB BET WITH YOU, YOU TRICK" I say as Jimin holds his stomach while laughing. "Let's finish this later. Gym class is about to start," jimin says as he walks away

"HEY GET BACK HERE JIMIN"  I yelled as Jimin walked away from me with a smile on his face. I look at Jimin till he leaves. He really is popular. About 5 other kids walk up to him just to talk, like they don't got other friends. He just left from my side and 5 kids already start talking to him.

"Shit I got to finish getting changed!" I say out loud in a whisper voice with a hint of panic behind it. I finished getting change and go to my gym class.

𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡

After gym class, I walk back to the boy's locker room. I make my way to my locker, to see Jimin also changing. 'Why does he have to be near my locker? This would've never happened in the first place'. I changed before I started talking to Jimin about the pictures.

When I finished I looked at Jimin. 'Ok it's go time'. I say to myself in my head. "Jimin!" I say in a low tone of voice. " I want those pictures deleted now" I say in an intimidating tone.

Jimin's POV

I turn my head to look at Namjoon when he says my name. "Jimin" he says my name in a deep adorable tone of voice. "I want those pictures deleted Now" he says like a cat trying to do a lions roar. I start to hold back a laugh as Namjoon stares at me.

I cover my mouth and turn around and start to laugh a little bit louder. 'Omg, he is too cute what the fuck'. I burst out into laughter. "Ok, ok and why in the hell would I give this to you" I look Namjoon in the eyes. Namjoon gave me a shocked look "what the fuck Jimin. do you want me to beat the shit out of you or something? You're starting to piss me off dude" Namjoon said with a disgusted look on his face.

While we were still talking with each other everyone was already leaving one by one until they all left. Only leaving Me and Namjoon..... Perfect. I waited for everyone to leave while stalling Namjoon. "Give me the pictures you trick" Namjoon said with a face as red as a tomato. "Now is that the way to speak to someone who has shirtless pictures of you? 'Cause I don't think it is" I said with a smirk.

"You're the devil" Namjoon said with anger. Once I realize it was just me and Namjoon I look back at him. "Ok let's make a deal" I said to him. Namjoon looked at me "What?" he said confused. "I won that challenge we had fair and square so I got the pictures" I say while smiling. "And now all of a sudden, you want me to delete them........ there is no fun in that now is there? So let's make a deal" I say while Namjoon is completely silent. "Cat got ya tongue? Well what do you say? Do you want to make a bet or not?" I look Namjoon in the eyes.

Nobody's POV

Jimin and Namjoon look each other in the eyes. 'Should I do the deal with Jimin?' Namjoon thinks too himself. 'It could be dangerous depending on the way Jimin has been since I met him, Evil is what Jimin is' Namjoon stays silent while thinking all of that.

"Are you going to agree Namjoon" Jimin says feeling confident in himself about this deal. Namjoon looks Jimin in the eyes one more time. "Fine" Namjoon says as he looks away from Jimin. Jimin smirks, knowing Namjoon wouldn't say no.

"Good Boy Namjoon" Jimin says as he pats Namjoon's head. "Now look at me" Jimin says forcing Namjoon to look at him by pulling his chin in his direction.

" You will be my Slave for a week" Jimin says as he pulls Namjoon by the back of the head so they are eye level. Namjoon looks Jimin in the eyes like how Jimin wanted him to. Namjoon blinks a few times before yelling one word out loud"WHAAAAAAAAT"

tHAnkS FOr REAdIng
Also big thanks to ilovemememememe
For helping me proof read

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