authors note

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I was in the middle of writing the next chapter when my cousin texted me telling me that Cameron Boyce has passed away. I genuinely thought this was a prank and refused to believe it.

But I write this message to honor him. I was a big fan of him ever since I watched him on GrownUps, then Jessie and supported him through Descendants. I never personally knew him but to see someone you followed through your childhood pass away, takes a heavy toll on your heart.

I was first going to incorporate this into the next chapter but it just didn't feel right.

Please, never take your own life, or anyone's else life around you, for granted. As much as it seems unbelievable, you never know when they could be gone from you in just a split second.

And another message to add that I, myself, need to use. Always be kind to others. You never know what anyone is going through.

Rest in Peace to the wonderful Cameron Boyce and you will forever be remembered ❤️

May 28, 1999 - July 7, 2019

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