Chapter 5: They're just jokes, right?

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We all sat at the table eating breakfast, Nikki and Dom had to go out so Tom decided to step up and make it for us, claiming he was using Harrisons pancake recipe, because we all know how much Harrison loves his pancakes.

"Aha breakfast," Tom said as he placed a plate of steaming hot pancakes in the middle for everyone to take. He was clearly very happy with his dish. He then went and sat at the empty seat next to me. Oh boy, now I have Harry on one side and Tom on the other.

I just took a serving of food and began shoving it in my mouth, hoping to avoid any sort of weird conversation.

"Y/N you're eating those pancakes like Harry eats your-," Sam was trying to say before I cut him off by spitting out all the food in my mouth and slightly choking on it.

"What the fuck Sam," I exclaim though I couldn't help but die of laughter at his statement.

Harry didn't seem to feel the same way, in fact he seemed to be genuinely mad at him.

"You know sometimes you need to put that mouth on pause Sam," Paddy sasses him earning a round of "ohhh's" and "mmmm's" from the table.

"You guys didn't even know what I was gonna say," Sam defends but we all knew what he was gonna say, a little concerning that Paddy knew actually.

"Mate we know what you were gonna say," Tom laughs as he looks over to me.

I exchanged a smile to Tom when I felt him hold my hand, I look down to see that he definitely is. In a moment of do or die I had to pick if I should continue this, I mean on one hand if Harry sees he'd be pissed and all the things I was thinking he'd do he'll actually do, but on the other hand is Tommy's hand. Fuck it, I'm going to hold Tom's hand.

"You know the jokes about y/n and I really get annoying," Harry says.

"Ya, ya, we know you're trying to cover up your undying love for y/n," Sam says gesturing to the two of us.

Though as he said that I could feel Tom squeeze my hand, I give him a thoughtful eye. As to say what's up throughout eye contact. I don't think he got the gesture. I didn't notice until I heard the shuffle of the chair against the floor but I looked over and saw Harry leave the room in a mad dash. We always get jokes about us being together, why is it bothering him now? Plus it's only Sam, it's not like he means any harm all he is, is a dickhead.

Tom flashed me a look of concern as he let go of my hand and got up.

"Where you going," Paddy asked.

"To see Harry,"

"Well I'm coming," I said as I got up and joined him, Tom wore a playful smirk before doing a dorky little nod and saying ok.

The two of us walked up to Harry's bedroom Tom did a quiet knock before barging in, almost completely ruining the whole point of knocking. He decided he should talk to Harry first, since he's his brother and all went on a whole rant on how he wants to be closer to him. It didn't matter Harry would tell me everything they talked about anyway plus I was at the door listening too.

"Bro are you ok," I overhear from Tom, wow what a nice opener.

"I'm fine, you know I left the table for a reason," Harry replies.

"And what was that,"

"To get away from you, Sam, Paddy too,"

"What about y/n,"

I placed my ear against the door, hoping to hear more than just a few muffled voices. I've never heard what Harry thought of me behind my back, sure we're close but there's bound to be something that he thinks about me, something he can't say.

"What about her," Harry asks him his voice slighting rising, the statement was short and sharp.

"Didn't wanna get away from her,"

"I, I did, so leave so I can be alone,"

Surprisingly Tom didn't press him anymore and in fact left him alone, I decided against going in, he clearly did need sometime alone. I gathered my stuff and start to head home, my parents needed help prepping food for some family dinner well family as in with the Holland's. Tom offered to walk me home, of course I didn't refuse, how could I?

We walked side by side in a well comfortable silence. Just his presence was enough for me. I felt his hand rub against mine and in a moment of sheer stupidity, hope, or maybe even both I- ... did nothing. I did absolutely nothing.

My mouth started to dry up and a lump formed in my throat forcing me to stay quiet. Don't think about it too much, you'll only make things more awkward I thought to myself, but let's be honest anything I do in a social situation leads it to be become awkward. With a long walk of silence he dropped me at my door a simple good bye and he was gone.

Remind me to never walk with Tom again.

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