Tagged twice!... actually wait a THIRD TIME

460 12 4

The three lovely people who tagged me are
@Shadow_Demon_333  @crossmare_is_cliche and last but certainly not least @xansvirus15 

And here's my fun facts about me

1.im actually quite active I go kayaking hiking and play a lot of sports

2.im 5,9 yes I know very tall

3. I'm taking foundations math, pre calculus bio 12 (im not in grade 12) grade 11 chemistry and the 12 one, physics, Ela 11 and outdoor presuits for the next school year

4.not so great writing wise but quite good at sciences and maths

5.i was born in England but now I live in Canada

6. Iam blonde with blue eyes

7. I need to wear glasses but I usually wear contacts (cause of sports XP)

8. I live like 10 minutes away from the ocean

9.my hobbies are piano hiking rugby and sketching.

10. And number ten not so great at drawing cartoony pretty decent at drawing realistic.

Don't know if any of these are interesting but eh perhaps learning these stuff makes me more then just some random writer who knows XD

Why did the robber take a bath?

To make a clean get away

Spoiler: He was gone, and their was nothing I could do about it. This time he won't be just far away.He will be unreachable, not even my friends could go see him for me anymore. Perhaps I'll see him or I'll just eternally live alone longing for a love that had died.

I'm going to be cruel and not even put the book it will be for, have fun trying to figure out who's talking and who they are talking about.

Now time for the people to tag (I'm only tagging five because believe me when I say this is it such a long process to remember usernames and scrolling through to find the name again and believe me it's a long process.)

(Yes I do realize it's not tagging them but let's just hope y'all see it XD)

Anyways hope everyone had a good day or night byeeee -R,W

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