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"... assemble."

"Hey Cap, you hear me?", Steve Rogers stopped, had he heard right. Was this Sam Wilson who was taking to him through the communicator.

"Cap, it's Sam, you hear me?", he repeated.

"On your left.", and at that moment, Steve knew that they would win this battle.

The patriot turned around, seeing a portal opening. His heart raced, everything was surreal for him. They did it, they brought them back. Even though he knew that they were back, he was still amazed to see them. His friends, the family he had built over the last ten years.

Shuri, Okoye and T'challa walked out of the portal (A/N: chills, literally chills) followed by Sam flying in the air. (A/N: I have goosebumps all over my body.) Steve smiled. Another portal opened, and Stephen Strange came out of it, landing on the ground softly. Mantis and Drax in front of him, followed by Peter Quill, flying. Behind him, swing with his web, Peter Parker landed on the ground, his mask made of nanotechnology dissolving, showing the face of a sixteen year old boy.

"yibambe.", the Wakandan soldier chanting with T'challa together.

More portals are opening and more heroes, fallen heroes, enter the battlefield. It's like a dream come true, everyone standing on the battlefield ready to fight the battle that could end all the battle. Even Pepper in her rescue suit entered the fight.

Scott growing to giant man is the topping of this delicious Sundae ice. Thanos and his army did not expect that. And maybe, just maybe, Thanos reconsidered his decision about balancing the world, but he took his ground, ready to attack.

"AVENGERS...", Steve was holding his hand out for Mjölnir.

As it flew to his hand, he spoke the word everyone was waiting for, for the last 5+ years.

"... assemble.", with that Thor roared/screamed and the avengers attacked Thanos army.

The battle was so huge that you lost track of it. Tony and Pepper fighting back to back against the monstrous aliens, Cap was yielding Mjölnir and throwing it away, just to catch Stormbreaker.

"No, no. Give me that, you have the little one.", Thro said, and the two of the OG six heroes exchanged their deadly and very strong weapons.

Thor charged with lightning flew up into the sky. Rocket and Bucky were shooting these creatures with their weapons. And Tony, well he was landing on the ground, shooting a powerful blast from his repulsor to the aliens. But he got knocked off by an even bigger one. Before the creature could do any harm to him, it got webbed up from the behind, and right there on the spot was non other than the kid he had lost on the battle of the planet Titan.
Spider-Man himself was looking at his mentor before he ran up to him, to help him up.

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