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I sat down in my seat. I couldn't wait for Jordan's excuse this time. It's Wedsday. Only 2 more days till the party. And I'm still shook from last night. Jordan came in and was out of breath. And holding a guitar...

"Mr Williams! Why are you so out of breath?! And why do you have a guitar!?" The teacher asked. Jordan caught his breath.

"I got up. Started to play a song then a string broke. So I drove to the guitar store. Bought a new string. Then by then I'd actually be on time. But my truck broke down. And I didn't have any money with me for a bus. So I just ran a mile carrying a guitar and calling my brother telling him about what happened and having to listen to his high ass laugh at me. Put me out of my misery." He said.

"Ha! You're good at making up stories." A guy in the frount row laughed. I stood up.

"No he's actually not lying. He was face timing me when his string broke. Ace Of Spades is hard to play." I said.

"Yeah, and as proof. He's the box of strings I bought." Jordan said holding up a box.

"Good luck carrying that around all day and not getting in trouble. Now go sit down." The teacher said shaking his head.

   ****End of the day****

Jordan was sitting right off school property smoking a cigarette so he wouldn't get in trouble for smoking on school grounds and his guitar sitting next to him. I stood in frount of him. For the first time I was taller. Hid face was at the level of my hips when he was sitting down. He looked up.

"Y'know. My face shouldn't be at this level of you in public. Cause I'm not afraid-" He began to say.

"Just get up." I cut him off. I stepped back. He laughed and got up grabbing his guitar. He put out his cigarette and we started walking to my house. "I didn't get to tell you yesterday but yesterday morning my mother talked my dad into letting me have a boyfriend and not hating every boy. He then told me to go get a boyfriend please." I said.

"Well, ya got one!" He laughed. I stopped and looked up at him.

"Really?" I said in a soft, sweet, yet excited tone.

"Yeah. Remember? You confirmed that you're mine and I'm yours." He reminded. I smiled.

"Good." I said beginning to walk again.

"Oh yeah, and I didn't bring it to school cause that'd be an asshole move. But you left your bra at my house." He said.

"Thanks. But when I came home yesterday my mom noticed that my makeup was smeared, and that I came back not wearing a bra. She then asked if we were boyfriend and girlfriend or just fuck buddies." I said. He almost died with laughter. "I said you were my boyfriend." I added.

"So she knows what we did last night? But does your dad know?" He said calming down a little.

"Well, she knows. And hopefully my dad doesnt." I answered. I then started to think about what would happen if he does. But my mom would never tell him. But she's not like that. We finally got to my house. My dad was home earlier than usual. We walked in and before we could go to my room my dad stopped us. Damnit.

"Apologies for my behavior Monday." My dad apologized. "Jordan, was it?"

"Yes, Jordan. And I understand. I wouldn't trust me t first sight either." Jordan  said in a jokingly voice.

"But." My dad said in a louder tone. "I was informed that you're my daughters boyfriend." My dad said. My eyes widened. I was scared of what would happen next. But Jordan seemed chill about this.

"Yes, that information is right." Jordan said. My dad walked up to him. I scooted out of the way a little.

"If you hurt my daughter in any way shape or form. I will put you in the hospital." I had a feeling what Jordan wanted to say so I nudged him a little to stop him from saying it out loud.

"Of course. I'd never hurt her." Jordan nodded. I pulled Jordan down to my room afterwards. I closed the door behind me. "But little does he know, I already hurt you yesterday. And I'm gonna do it again." He laughed.

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