Ozzy Crüe

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Jordan walked me home. We held hands. When we were outside my house I was on my tippy-toes giving him a kiss.

"See you tomarrow." He wispered before walking off. I walked in the house and went to my room. I sat on my bed on my phone. My mom walked in.

"May I ask how it went?" She asked sitting on my bed.

"You can. But you'll hate the answer." I said setting my phone down.

"I saw you guys outside the house kissing. So I just wanted to ask. How it went." He said.

"We're back together. I did as you said. My heart said I loved him. And my brain said I need him." I said. "I know you guy don't like my decision. And you guys can't even face him. So whenever we're together it won't be over here. Unless you guys tell me that you can face him without being mad." I added.

"Whatever makes you happy." She said.

        ***the next day***

It was 6am. The time I usually get up and get ready. I put on a black skirt, a Skid Row shirt, and Converse. I put on my makeup and brushed my hair. I grabbed my bag and went upstairs. By then it was already 6:25am. I eat breakfast.

"Unless it's really cold or raining we'll be at the park working on our project now." I announced. My dad looked up at me with one eyebrow raised.

"You're still working with him? I thought you guys broke up?" My dad said.

"We did. But we're back together again. We got back together yesterday." I said. I heard my mom sighed. Before anything else was said I ran out the door cause if I didn't I'd be late. The bell rang almost the moment I sat down. 10 minutes into class Jordan walked in.

"Excuse?" The teacher sighed.

"I was getting Bunny food. There was this lady with an evil cat." He said.

"Why do you wait to do everything in the morning before school?" The teacher asked.

"Because I then have a reason to be late." Jordan laughed. I then started to think about it.

"You don't have a bunny though?" I said. He laughed. His backpack was only half way zipped. He set it down and opened it up all the way. He out out a black fucking bunny. Wtf.


"Because I was bored so this morning I went and bought a rabid on the way to school. I just wanted to see what would happen." He said. "And it's now my child. I named it Ozzy Crüe." He added.

"OFFICE! NOW!" The teacher demanded. I stood up on the chair.


"THE THREE OF YOU... er... THE TWO OF YOU AND THE RABBIT! OUT! OFFICE!" The teacher yelled. I grabbed my stuff and walked out with Jordan and Ozzy Crüe.

"You're gonna make a great bunny dad." I laughed.

"You're gonna make a great bunny mom." He laughed back. We walked into the office. The principal and everyone else stared at the bunny Jordan was holding in his arms.

"We've been waiting for you guys. Come into my office." The principal sighed. We sat down. Me now holding the bunny. "Why? Why?! Did you bring a bunny to school." The principal said.

"I bought it on the way to school cause I just wanted to see what would happen. I named it Ozzy Crüe. And it's now my child." Jordan said again.

"And you, Alice?" The principal said looking at me.

"It's my child too. I couldn't let him leave without me." I said. We were all dead serious.

"You understand, because of this I'll have to call both of your guardians. Right?" The principal asked. My eyes opened up. Shit. "Because of your outburst, you'll be sent home." The principal said looking at me. He then turned to Jordan. "And... do I even have to say why you're going to be sent home? I mean really. A bunny?" He added looking at Jordan. He then called my parents.

"Hello, this is the principal. Alice, your daughter has been sent to my office for disruption, disobedience, yelling out in class, standing up on a chair, and being linked in another situation. Due to all of this Alice has to be sent home early. And I needed to inform you about this." The principal. He hung up. "Your mom is gonna pick you up soon." He said looking at me. He then called Jordans brother.

"Hello, this is the principal of Jordan's school. Jordan has to be sent home early and I am meant to inform you." He said before hanging up. "Jordan. Your brother gave me something to tell you. And he told me to use the exact words he used." The principal continued. "You better get your ass back home or else I will smash your Sodom record into little pieces!" The principal added. Jordan had a mortified look on his face.

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