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We sat the cage on my dresser and sat on the edge of the bed next to eachother. We got into a deep kiss. I started to take off his shirt but he then let go of the kiss and pulled his shirt down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Alice. Last night I was thinking." He said rubbing the back of his neck looking down. "I want to start things over. If you noticed. Everything was going so fast. We decided we were a couple during sex. I want to redo it as if we're a new couple. And try to take things a little slower this time. I think It'd be better for the both of us." He said. I hate to admit it. But he had a point.

"I think it would be too." I said. "So... what do normal, new couples do?" I asked. He shrugged.

"Fuck it. It hasn't even been two minutes and I hate this idea already." He said. He took off his shirt. I got up and got a light throw blanket. I but the cage on the other side of the room and put a blanket over it so the bunny wouldn't see. I locked my door. He got up. And hooked his phone up to a Bluetooth speaker. "Let's just play some loud music so they have a less better chance of hearing us." He said. KILL4ME by Marilyn Manson came on first. We fell into a deep, passionate kiss.

"I want to try new things." I said.

"Like what?" He asked.

"My turn." I answered. He knew where I was going with this. I got on my knees in frount of him. He pushed my head making his thing go farther and farther into my mouth.

"Fuck yes." He groaned. When we were done he fixed his pants, and we layed back on the bed. Having long kisses at random times. He started laughing histarically. Which made me laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"Not even two minutes after saying that we're gonna take it slower now that we're a couple again." He said. He had to catch his breath to say the next part. "You gave me a fucking blowjob!" He laughed. It honestly was hilarious. After awhile we calmed down.

"Halloween is on Wednesday what's your costume?" I asked.

"We're not going trick or treating. We're too old, no one will give us candy. And there's no party this year." He said.

"I know. But I thought I could bring a tradition here, from Missouri." I said. He looked at me confused. "We dress up and hide around. And whenever kids walk by we jump out at them." I said.

"That sounds amazing. I'll ask my brother if I can barrow his costume from last year." He answered. "What's yours?" He asked. I got up and got a box out that's my Halloween costume.

"It's a suprise." I said winking. He laughed. I'm gonna be a brutally realistic broken and murderess porcelain doll. "Wait. What do you mean there's not a party this year? Was there like a party every other year?" I asked.

"Well. There's usually a party at Angelica's house. But she posted saying that there's not gonna be one this year. She didn't say why, but we all know it's because everyone hates her." He answered. "But I don't go to the parties anyway though."

"But as I've seen so far. You're always having parties?" I said.

"No. My brother has parties." He said. "But I'm barely ever there." He added.

"Where do you go?" I asked.

"Well. I sometimes go to the Sunset Strip." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I gasped within amazement. I think he was expecting me to feel sad or mad about him going to a bar. But I was fascinated. I always wanted to go there. I heard so many stories. There's so many songs writen about it. So many bands. My eyes were bright and I was smiling. I got up and picked up the bunny. I got back on the bed, sat criss cross, put the bunny on my lap, and faced him.

"I'm fascinated about The Sunset Strip! I heard so many stories about that place! So many songs are writen about it! So many bands! Do you have any stories!?" I asked.

"You're like a five year old asking for bedtime stories." He laughed. "But I guess I have a few stories." She said. He layed down on his side as he talked.

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