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The story Jordan tells is just something that I made in my imagination. This never happened. Just wanted to say that. :D

I sat criss cross with the bunny on my lap in the middle of the bed as he layed down his head resting on his hands that are behind his head looking up but looking at me every once in awhile.

"Well, just a month ago I saw Nikki Sixx." He said.

"Oh my god! I love Mötley Crüe!" I said. I have a thing for 80s glam/hair metal. He laughed.

"I was sitting at the bar drinking a beer, alone. And then a dude came up and sat next to me. He told the bartender to get him a beer. I didn't notice it was him though. He then looked at me and asked why I'm sitting alone. I told him I got in a huge fight with my brother over a girl and he won. I then looked up and gasped. I then yelled out 'Holy shit! You're Nikki Sixx! It's so gnarly to meet you!' He just laughed. We talked for awhile, and I got a picture with him." He said.

"That's amazing!" I said. Even the bunny was listening. I then looked over at my desk with all my sketchbooks and art supplies.

"What are you looking at?" He asked looking over at the direction that I was looking in. I sighed.

"This is an odd request, and I understand why you say no." I said nervously. Not looking at him.

"What is it?" He asked. I took a deep breath before asking.

"Last Wedsday in my art class we were given an assignment. And it's due this Wedsday. I've been dreading asking you. Then all that stuff happened and I thought that I could just fail the assignment."I rambled. "Er... I'm rambling again, sorry. Anyway, the assignment is where you need to find a model and you need to draw them. And I was wondering if you're will to be the model. And thw teacher has to see it to grade it. Obviously. I'll even pay you $100." I said.

"That's easy. Of course. Why were you dreading asking me." He laughed.

"You don't understand. The unit we're in is..." I continued. Saying the unit same quietly. "nude modeling."

"I don't give a fuck." He said. I got up and got my sketch book and things to draw with. I pulled my chair to the end of the bed. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. "Hey. Don't worry. I'm happy to do something for art." He said trying to calm my nerves as he was taking off his pants. He was then wearing nothing.

"Put yourself in a comfortable position that is easy to say in for a long period of time." I said trying to sound professional. He got on the bed and layed with his arms laying flat crossed on his chest as if he was a dead corpse. "I don't want them to think that you're dead." I said. He just laughed. He sat up, his legs spread out a little, his arms resting on his legs giving them the horns, and giving a serious look. If he only changed him hair color he'd almost look like Peter Steele. I started drawing him. I had to draw the background too. It also all had to be in pencil, the drawing, outlines, shading, coloring. Everything. After awhile I was done.

"I'm done." I said. He put his head back.

"Oh thank god! Finally!" He said. I laughed alittle. He got up and got dressed. He looked over my shoulder at the drawing.

"Do you think it's good?" I asked.

"Dude. That's more than good. That'd fucking fantastic! That belongs in a museum! And the dude in thw drawing is pretty hot too!" He said.

"Nah. You're just saying that." I said.

"No really! Your talent is spectacular!" He said.

"Thanks." I said. "Thank you for being my model." I added.

"Hey. I'm happy it was me and not someone else." He laughed. We looked at the time.

"Well. I better get going." He said. He grabbed the bunny carrier and we walked upstairs. I walked him outside to his car.

"Bye Jordan! Bye Ozzy!" I yelled out waving.

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