The bean is asleep

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(Another time skip b/c ya boi doesn't have enough brain cells rn)

Gavin was just barely awake. Enough to shuffle into the house with my arm around his waist, but not nearly awake enough to realize that his cats were in front of him.

I looked away for two seconds and-


"Ow." Gavin mumbled, and just curled up on the floor with one of his cats under his arm.

I sighed and crouched down next to him.

Gavin burrowed his face in the fur of his beloved pet.
"You get me."

I just scooped him up back into my arms, the feline hissing and jumping back to the ground.

"Let's get you into bed, Gav."

He let his head rest against my chest again.

I walked into the bedroom and laid him down gently onto the bed. Gavin took off his shirt and got under the blankets.

When he saw me go to leave something about him changed.

"Nines? Where... where are you going?" He asked, voice small. Innocent. Almost like a child's.

"I thought you would want me to sleep on the couc-"

"No. C'mere, Toaster." He chuckled.

So I did.

Gavin reached out and pulled me into bed next to him with a little huff. He promptly nuzzled up to me, head on my chest again and arms wrapped around me.

I sighed, LED going yellow for a split second.

Gavin's eyelashes tickled my neck as he looked up at me.
"I had a really nice time tonight... promise me you'll be here when I wake up?"

A smile spread onto my lips, "Of course, Gav."

His cats jumped onto the bed and laid down. Gavin then proceeded to get even more tangled up in my limbs, a sort of smothery effort of cuddling.

I leaned my head onto his with a content sigh.

Set alarm for 5:30am
Set reminder for 5:31am email Fowler
Set alarm for 10:00am

Gavin exhaled, his whole body relaxing.

Surprisingly he looked peaceful like this. But just you wait until he wakes up at 3 with a numb leg.

Haha... coward.

I closed my eyes, and activated idle mode.

Or the closest thing to sleep mode I could.

Connor was built with one, but I was made to never really rest.
Maybe I could... get an upgrade? Be... be more humanlike.

Fuck... Gavin's right.

Hours passed. And I just laid there. Listening to Gavin's breathing and feeling his heartbeat against my own. Or- rather my thirium pump.

"Nines..." he mumbled, though my analysis said he was asleep.


"Love you.." he added after a few minutes.

System error

I opened an eye and looked down at him. Sure enough he was asleep.

But... how could he love an android? Surely... surely he was talking about someone else. His brother maybe??

Gavin... hated- hates androids.

I-I don't even know why I try...

He inhaled sharply, jolting awake. Gavin looked at me and made a face.
"Why're you watching me sleep? It's phckn' creepy."

"Sorry... you were just talking in your sleep."


Gavin turned around, and hugged my arm.
"Mega oof."

I chuckled and turned onto my side, spooning him.

Gavin held onto my arms like a koala.
"What'd I say though?"

I sighed.
"Nothing important Gav. Just... nonsense."

He nodded and curled up, pressing his back against my chest.
"Night Nines."

"Goodnight Gavin."

I still don't really know how I feel. I mean... do I love him? Do I even know what love feels like? Maybe... I'm just hungry.

for that dick

I MEAN WHAT NO- no no no nO!

Fuck... just... just go back into idle mode.

An: I'm so tired and idek wtf this is because my brain is just dEAD but uh- here?

Maybe more than a Machine (Gavin x rk900)Where stories live. Discover now