Chapter 1: New School, No Dad

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A/N sooo i went to Florida Supercon on Saturday and met FELICIA DAY and got these Funko Pops and im so glad that dean in gym shorts is a thing Lmao. also my little sister just came out as bi to me AND MY PRIDE (no pun intended) IS THROUGH THE ROOF!!! im so proud of u ily with all my heart! A/N

September 1, 1997, 14 years later, Sioux Falls, South Dakota



Dean Winchester opened a bleary eye to the sound of his aunt Ellen's yells. He grumbled out some unflattering things about her and waking up at the ungodly hour of 7:00 am pulled himself out of bed. He could still hear his father's words from a week ago.

*Flashback Time*

"So where's this Hunt, Dad?" asked Dean as John packed his stuff.

"Windom, Minnesota, and don't expect to hear from me for a few months," said John nonchalantly.

Dean's eyes bugged out of his skull and Sam and their cousin Jo exchanged horrified glances from the top of the stairs of Bobby's house.

"A few months?!" exclaimed Dean, "You've never been gone on a Hunt that long and not taken me and Sammy with you!"

"It's Sam," murmured Sam angrily. Jo gave him an amused smirk.

"Wait... is this about Yellow-Eyes? Is that why we can't come?" asked Dean excitedly.

"Uh... yeah," said John unconvincingly. Sam narrowed his eyes from the top of the stairs. Even at 14 years old,  he was a smart cookie; he found out years ago what was waiting for John in Windom. He just never had the heart to tell his loyal older brother that their drill sergeant of a father had a secret girlfriend and son.

"All right Dad just watch yourself," said Dean brightly. He, on the other hand, trusted John completely and saw him as his personal hero.

"See you boys, Dean, watch out for Sammy and your cousin Jo, and don't cause trouble for your aunt and uncle," John said relieved that he get away undetected.

*Flashback Time Over*

Dean sighed and ran his hands over his face. He hoped that his dad was OK. He slid in a Metallica cassette into his vintage '60's record player and listened to "One" while he got ready for his first day of high school. He pulled on dark ripped jeans, a Led Zeppelin T-shirt, red and black flannel, his dad's old leather jacket, and a pair of scruffed-up combat boots. He ran his hand through his sandy brown hair, made sure the amulet Sam gave him for his 12th birthday was on, and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Finally, you had the decency to be on time for the bus," scoffed Ellen unhappily.

Dean rolled his eyes and sat down beside his little brother and Jo and started piling his plate with toast.

He was proud of his little brother, he had skipped two grades and was in his sophomore year. Jo was a junior and Dean was a senior. He hated this, he thought as he put his dish and glass in the sink and walked towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. He had never stayed in one place to go to school for long and that's the way he liked it. He couldn't wait until Dad got back from killing Yellow-Eyes.

Sam, on the other hand, was excited to stay for long in a school. The last school he was in, he had a girlfriend named Eileen for like a month, but had to leave her which broke hers and his heart. He was happy that he could make some friends and date some girls, or guys, or whatever; Sam already knew that he liked everyone and everything and he was OK with it. 

Guns and GraceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora