Chapter 16: In the End

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A/N Jesus Christ! This was one hell of a journey that was in the works for over a year! I may have gotten writer's block, depression, school trying to send me in to the dark abysses of Hell, but it's done, my first ever story. Thank you for all your support, votes, and comments, all of that contributed to me finishing this story. I know it's kinda trash, but I'm proud. Stay frosty, bitches, peace out A/N


Sam paced the forest ground around the sigil painted on a cloth on the dirt. God, what if it didn't work? Or worse, none of them made it back and he lost everything he loved? As the minutes ticked along, his anxiety grew more and more.

Suddenly, a great flash of light filled the area in the forest, so bright that Sam had to shield his eyes from the blast. When the light faded away, Sam rubbed the spots in eyes which hazily focused on five figures.

"Hey, hey, Sam-a-lam, you good there? Need me to kiss it all better?" flirted a familiar voice.

"Gabe!" cried Sam and threw his arms around him, and punched him in the stomach, "ASSHOLE! YOU TOOK AN HOUR LONGER THAN YOU SAID! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"

"I'm sorry, Sammy, I didn't mean to," apologized Gabe sincerely, "But, I brought one pre-ordered big brother back for you."

Sam's head jerked to side of Gabe's body to see Dean clutching onto Cas tightly. When Dean's eyes caught sight of his brother, his eyes lit up, and he pulled himself from his lover grasp to launch himself into Sam's arms.

"I missed you so much, Dean," sobbed Sam.

"I know, little brother, I did, too," whispered Dean.

The brothers eventually let go of each other, and Sam took in his surroundings. He noticed that there were a couple of people missing from their party.

"Wait, where's Anna and Balthazar?" asked Sam. Immediately, everyone's faces fell and a few sniffles were heard from the angels.

"Oh," said Sam softly, understanding that he would never again see the two angels ever again.

"Yeah," said Gabriel quietly, "I failed to protect them; I'm such a disgrace."

"Hey," said Sam sharply and pulling his boyfriend's neck towards him so that their foreheads were touching and continued, "it was not your fault; there was nothing you you could do."

"Yeah, OK, whatever you say Sammoose."

"Is that him?" whispered Sam to the man clutching onto Michael for dear life.

"Yeah, that's the human that made Mikey go coco for coco puffs, kinda like what you did to me," said Gabe nonchalantly, happy that Sam knew enough about him to change the subject.

Sam scoffed and replied, "Please, like you weren't already nuts before me."

"Ah, but you see, my dear giraffe, only for you would I wake up seven times in the middle of one night to be of service to a squealing siren of a child."

"Oh, well, if you want, I can take more night cries for y-"

"Shut up, Samuel, or I will steal that child from you."

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