Chapter 8: Nothing Else Matters

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A/N guys remember to vote on Sammy's kid's name in the author's note bc i will be writing that chapter soon i want to know you guys' opinions. i will also be introducing a villian to the characters in this chapter. Enjoy and please comment, it makes me very happy! A/N

Christmas Eve Morning- 1994- Singer/Winchester Home

"SHE DID WHAT?!" roared Dean.

"Dean, please lower your voice," muttered Sam meekly with his legs clutched to his chest on Dean's bed, "I don't want Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ellen to hear."

The four boys were gathered in Dean's room and Sam and Gabriel were telling Dean and Cas about what happened with Ruby. Ellen was downstairs throwing herself into Christmas preparations to numb herself from the pain of losing both Jo and Charlie. She loved Charlie like her own daughter since Charlie hopped from foster home to foster home because her parents were dead. Ellen, in her Ellen way, loved her because she had brought her daughter joy and there was no one to love her like that.

The boys were not in the mood to poke that sleeping dragon. It was like an angry Colombian/Cuban mother; you avoided it at all costs and did everything to appease her lest you enjoyed the sweet release of painful death. (I am speaking from personal experience from having a Colombian mother and Cuban heritage and living in a place where basically everyone is Cuban)

Let's put it this way: Bobby was dealing with his pain by crushing cars out in the junkyard, so imagine the kids being the cars times 10.

A/N you think im joking? thank god my wonderful mother only used to her hand, supergirl strength mind you, to hit me. i have friends whose parents used belts, chacletas (sandals). My Cuban grandmother once chased my father around the house with a baseball bat. My friend told me when he was nine, he got a low D on his process report and his mom made him take a 5-minute shower with ice cold water with her watching to make sure he didn't change it as punishment. They also get this murderous look in their eyes if you don't obey them quick enough lmao hehehe it's terrifying A/N

"I will END that bitch," said Dean, lowering his voice and pacing the room.

Gabe looked down on the ground; he knew that it wasn't Sam's fault about what happened with Ruby, but he knew that his boy was feeling really guilty, combined with the fact that he now had the responsibility of being a father at 14 and the deaths of Jo and Charlie; he was probably feeling extremely shitty.

"Well, one thing for sure," interjected Cas who was leaning against the wall, "we cannot let those demon bastards keep Sam's child. For one, it's a cambion, which means that it is one of the most powerful and dangerous being to ever live. Secondly, it's still Sam's child; we must protect it at all costs."

"You'd really do that for me?" asked Sam hopefully, "I mean, I was hoping that you'd let me keep it, but I thought it was a long shot."

Gabe pulled Sam into his golden wings which he wrapped around him comfortingly and said, "Sam-a-lam, we'll raise the lil' stinker like our own."

Sam punched his boyfriend gently in the arm and said, "Thanks, babe."

Dean sighed and said, "Yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm pissed that my 14-year-old brother has sex with a technically 18-year-old, and we'll talk about that later, but," he added with a slight smirk, "I've always wanted to be an uncle."

Sam smiled softly and whispered "Thanks, guys," as six arms and eight wings embraced him in a group hug.

Dean clapped his hands together and said, "Alright, Cas and I are going to head downstairs to help Ellen with Christmas stuff and to make sure that she doesn't stab herself with a carving knife. Are you two assholes staying?"

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