Author's Note

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Okay, so I'm gonna take a break from writing fan fiction for a while because I get stuck on what to write since I've usually based things around the movie or TV series and since I've finished writing about the movie then I can't really come up with anything and sometimes it takes hours to try and figure out where I want things to go from the previous chapters before it.

It's not going to be a long long break because writing is what I love to do when I have ides because trust me I have a whole lot of ideas going throw my head every time I'm not doing something super important.

But I'm also writing this because I've been thinking of writing an original book because I have a few things that I'd like to write down and get out of my head and I think it's would all be good for an original book, something that I don't copy from a movie or TV show.

Because there are a couple songs that I'd want to base an original book about like NF because he's got a lot of songs based around his real life that I don't relate to, and I'm not trying to offend anyone that does, it's just most times I hear a song from him and all these emotions come to me that could be used for something that people would like to read.

AND I'm not leaving you guys hanging without anything new to read because if a few hours, maybe the next 15 minutes of posting this on all my fan fictions, I'l be posting my Girl Meets World story that I've finished the first season after weeks of watching the episodes and pausing and rewinding to get everything good.

But if I were to write like an original book who many people would actually read it that already follow me and read my fan fictions?

Again, sorry for taking a break, I just want to get some other stuff put down before I forget about my ideas.

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