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(Y/N)'s p.o.v

I was sitting on my bed, swinging my legs around trying to reach the floor. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said. Then the door opened. My father the king of England. I gritted my teeth. I heard a sigh come from him.

"(Y/N) please look at me, your mother and I wanna talk to you." My father spoke calmly.

"Hmp, I suppose I could go talk to mother she hasn't been feeling well has she?" I spoke with a bit of attitude in my voice.

"Thank you (Y/N)."

"I'm NOT doing this for you, I'm doing this for mother." I spoke harshly and he nodded.

I walked passed him and he followed. We walked to my mothers room, it was silent. Too quiet for my mothers liking, she was always energetic and happy. So when we got into her room she glomped me into a hug.

" (Y/N) dear, have you come to see me?Oh how are you dear?"my mother asked a bunch of questions, so I said,"Mom lay down you need to rest."

"Of course dear!" Then she jumped onto her bed.

I sweat dropped. Then my father lead me out of my mother's room and into the living room.

"Why did you take me out of mom's room?!" I was angry I wanted to talk to her like old times, before this monster came. Yes my father isn't really my father, he's my step dad. I never liked him, ever.

"(Y/L/N) (Y/N), you are hiding something from your mother and I, aren't you?"

I gritted my teeth again. I hated when people said my full name because they always say stuff like,'oh my goodness it's the princess (Y/L/N) (Y/N)' Or they gossip about me,'Didn't you hear she's gonna have to be the queen after her parents pass so she takes the thrown!'

I was so angry only my real dad and my younger twin would call me that. But no there both gone, they passed away in a fire that happened 5 years ago. But now he didn't have to right to call me that name, never.

"Don't you dare ever say my full name ever again or else!" I yelled at him. Then I felt my face burn, then I realized that he slapped me.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me young lady, and you will answer my question!" He yelled back.

"Fine then, and yes I do have something I'm hiding from you." I said and smirked.

And so," I would like to ask if I could move out, you know to explore life and try things on my own go to a real school."

This caught his attention, he always wants me to explore and try new things but I never wanted to leave since that day 5 years ago on my birthday. He knew already that I was willing to try so he said yes.

" Thank you so much!" I glomped him into a hug. And we forgot about our argument.

My step dad said that I was moving to Japan and going to a school called Ouran Academy. 'Of course he was gonna put me into a rich school.' I thought. I shrugged my shoulders, and was helping my maids and butlers put my things into some boxes.

Then I said goodbye to my mom and to some of the butlers and then the maids. They really grew on me and we hugged and I left with my father to the airport. He told me that I would be living alone in my own apartment. Which was fine I liked being on my own.

We finally got to the airport and I said my goodbyes to my dad and then I went on the plane. The pilot spoke over the speaker," Welcome to England's air line, deporting to Japan we hope you have a safe flight." After he finished speaking I fell asleep.

~~(Y/N)'s Dream~~

Me and my younger twin brother Rin, were walking hand in hand together playing hide and seek with our parents. My mom came from Rin and tickled him. When my real dad came from behind me and picked me up and swung me around. Me and Rin were trying to get away from our parents by running, but our tiny bodies weren't fast enough. My mom gave me a piggyback ride, and my dad put Rin on his shoulders. We were headed inside when we saw someone in our house. My dad yelled at my mom telling her to take us upstairs. Me and Rin were told to hide under our beds. We did as we were told and it was silent until I heard Rin scream. I heard my dad yelling for Rin. Tears were down my face as I saw Rin's lifeless body and then I smelled smoke. I went to look for my mom when I found her she dragged me out of the house. Once she let go I went back into the house. I needed to get my locket, the one Rin gave me for my birthday. But my dad followed me and then the house crumbled onto him. Tears formed into my eyes once again. But he told me to go, so I did. But he never came out like I thought he would. I screamed in sadness.

~~Dream ended ~~

I woke up to hear the pilot over the speaker once again,"We have arrived into Japan, thank you for riding England's air line."

My eyes widened, 'did I really sleep that long?' I yawned and got up leaving the plane and left the air port. Outside the air port I found a guy waiting by a limo holding a sign that said my name,'(L/N).'

I sighed and walked up the man holding the sign and said," Hey dude, that's my name."

He looked down at me and asked,"Are you princess (L/N) (Y/N)?"

I replied,"Yeah that's me!"

"Please step in the limo, we are here to take you to your apartment." He said and smiled.

"Thanks, are you going to be my butler? If so we can become friends right?" I asked.

"Of course, your highness. My name is James William, and I would love to be your friend." He replied. And we shook hands.

Then we left to the apartment and we put all my things away. I yawned and loomed at my phone for the time, '9:56 wow it's already late.' I thought.

Then James said,"(Y/N) you should head off to sleep you have school in the morning. "

"Okay see ya in the morning, good night!" I said heading to my room. And then I thought,'Well I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.' Then I drifted off to sleep.

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