Im not your daughter!!! part 2

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Your p.o.v

As I was walking to the host club, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Tamaki walking up to me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much, hey I wanted to tell you that the host club is having a Christmas party on Friday night. You should come, it will be a lot of fun." he said.

"Nah, I'm good. I mean I'm not really a big fan of parties. So no thanks." I replied back.

" That's too bad, Kyoya is going to be there. And there's gonna be a lot of food there too." all I heard out of him was Kyoya, and food.

"Alright I'm in, but you have to escort me. I'll feel weird going by myself. " I said.

(a/n: I'm not putting the part where she crys and realizes her feelings for him yet, just wait a few more chapters my minions!)

He chuckled,"Alright, alright I'll escort you to the dance alright." he replied back to me.

By the time we knew it, we were already in front of the host club. We opened the door and I saw Haruhi there fixing up the place.

I run up to her and jumped and gave her a hug." Good morning Haruhi!!" I said in her chest.

She ruffled my hair then said," Good morning to you too, you seem in a happy mood this morning." she said.

Then she noticed how me and Tamaki were walking in the room together and said," Why were you and Tamaki Senpai walking together?"

"Oh we just ran into each other this morning when I was eating breakfast." I said calmly.

"Yes, isn't it wonderful! Both of my little girls are in her together and they are so nice to each other so cute!!" Tamaki said out of no where.

"Can you be quiet, and I'm not your daughter!!!" I yelled at him and went to his emo corner.

Then I got a call from my step dad. 'RING RING RING RING.' I clutched it tightly around my tiny hands.

"Hey are you gonna answer the phone?" Tamaki asked.

"No, it's just my stepdad so I could care less."I said in a monotone voice.

Then I walked out of the host club room and I saw some chick with a big pink bow in her hair. It seemed like she was trying to get somewhere really quick. Whatever it's not my problem.

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