What Now?

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No one's p.o.v

As Tamaki was sitting in a cafe with (y/n)'s he instantly regretted answering the call. His palms were sweating from nervousness and he was shaking.

"So are you and my daughter dating, is that why she sent you here? Or did she really not want to see me?" Questions were coming out of her dad like left and right.

But then Tamaki's face begins to burn at the question of you two dating. "N-no sir, it's not like that we're just friends." He replies.

"I see. Why don't we order something shall we?" Mr.(L/n) asks.

"Oh no thank you sir, that's not really necessary but thank you." Tamaki states.

"Ok then, well here this is for (y/n), tell her she can spend it how ever she likes." Mr.(L/n) says as he hands Tamaki a ton of cash.

Tamaki takes it and says,"Excuse me for asking but why exactly did you and your ex-wife (y/n)'s mom have a divorce?"

"Well I had been seeing another woman, specifically someone younger than me. She was mad, but in all truth i really did love her but i also love my now fiance. And I do truley love (y/n) with all my heart, so that's why im fighting to have custody over her." Your step-father says.

"Oh, I see, well if I'm not mistaken it's getting really late and (y/n) is probably waiting at my house for food, thats what she does most of the time now, i must go now but thank you." Tamaki says and leaves.

In his limo all he could think about was why didn't you like your step-father, to him he thought he was a friendly guy.

Whrn he got home sure enough there you were in the kitchen talking to the chef and eating something. He sighed which caught your attention.

"Well how did it go?" You asked.

"It went well, but how can you not like your step-dad? He seemed like a really good guy, oh yeah and here's your money. " he said and handed you your money.

"He can rot in hell like i said, and anyways thanks." You thanked him.

"So why were you here instead of being at home when you knew i was with your father? " Tamaki asked.

"I was hungry, because i know you have chefs, and because i can't cook." You shrugged.

"That makes since." He said.

"Well what are we gonna do now?" He asked.

"I don't know, i guess I'm gonna go home im pretty tired, see you tomorrow at school, Tamaki." You said and waved good bye as you left.

~~~The next day~~~

As you and Tamaki were walking home together, you both see a white limo in the front of your house. You gritt your teeth as you continue your way to Tamaki's house. But instead your step-dad comes out of the limo and trys to hug you but you kick him where the sun don't shine and went up the steps to Tamaki's house. When you kicked him that really snapped something in your blonded haired friend, before you could open his door he pinned your hands above your head.

"(Y/n) you have to give him a chance, yes he was the one that screwed up your life but give him a chance, your lucky you got to see your dad mostof the time, i don't get to see mine a lot because he busy most of the time!" He yelled.

But then he thought for a moment, 'Am i really doing this for her? I never even got her opinion of what she thought, maybe this is wrong, i should apologize. '

"Look (y/n)-" he was cut off by your hand over his mouth.

"Thats enough, you think its best and thats fine i'll go with my dad and tak to him, got it you stupid dog." You said to him.

You left his door and walked down the steps of his house and greeted your step-father as he hugged you.

Tamaki watched you two have your moment and then he went inside his own home to rest.

Later in the evening he got a call from you and answered it.

"Hey (y/n), how did it go?" He asked with excitement.

"It went ok, i guess, we just talked and he started saying that you were a good friend to me." You answered.

"Well thats good to hear." He said.

The two of you talked for a while until ot got late and you both had gotten tired. The two of you had fallen into a deep sleep while thinking,

'What now?'

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