Sink or Swim?!

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v


' Sink or swim, hit or miss.'

"(Y/N)!!! Come in the water with me!!" Rin yelled.

"No way! I can't swim!" I yelled back. I was standing there at the edge of our pool with a bunch of floaties. ' I can't swim, what do I do?!' my six year old self thought.

Just then I hear Rin in the water swimming towards me, and then he pulled me into the water. Water was all that surrounded me. I was never one to swim, so I sank to the bottom without a care because maybe this is how it should be.

The next thing I know I can see a small figure swimming to me and then breathing. From a short distance I can hear scolding of my mother yelling at Rin.

" I'm sorry (Y/N)! I thought you were joking about you not knowing how to swim!" Rin apologized.

~Flashback End~

'Well here we are at the beach,yay!' I thought. (sarcasm!!)

"Look everyone what a glorious day at the beach! And your very own king has come in your presence!!" Tamaki said.

"Well I'm gonna go change." I spoke rather bored.

"(Y/N) Can we," Hikaru stopped "help you change?" Kaoru finished.

" *sigh* No I don't need nor want anyone's help, got it?" I said. Just then Kyoya came up to us, then I was blushing like a crazy person. And I was frozen.' What is this feeling inside me?!'

I had to leave I couldn't stand being near Kyoya, I figured out what this feeling is. It's called Love. So I went to the nearest changing room and when I came out I was wearing a red and white bikini that had tiny ruffles on it. My hair was in twin buns on my head. And I had a jacket over me to cover my shoulders.

Then Tamaki came and inspected me. Then he asked," Where did you get that from?"

Then I simply replied,"Hikaru and Kaoru's mom made it for me, so I could model it for her, but don't worry I'm not going in the water."

"Daddy says your not allowed to show so much skin!" he replied quickly. When he said that my eyes widened, 'he said daddy' I thought.

I could tell I was almost on the verge of tears but then I turned around and said,"Whatever, I'm going for a walk." then I wiped the small tears forming in my eyes.

Tamaki's p.o.v

"My little girl blew me off." I spoke sadly. I sat under an umbrella waiting for our customers to arrive. Then I saw Kyoya approach me.

Then I said," Hey Kyoya, what's up?"

"Tamaki, you do know what happened with (Y/N)'s real father, right?" he asked me.

I nodded, then I remembered what had happened to (Y/N)'s father. I was going to go look for (Y/N) but then one of our guests came running to me saying,"It's Haruhi, some men that aren't supposed to be here are up on the rocks!"

I was already running to the giant rocks then I saw (Y/N) trying to help Haruhi. I was so focused on saving Haruhi, so when she fell I dove into the water to get her.

Your p.o.v

After Haruhi fell I thought I was ok, but I thought too soon. One of those guys came from behind me and grabbed my hoodie, and they lowered me from the rocks. I looked down and saw water, everywhere there was water. I was to scared to scream, I was kicking my legs every direction, but then that was a big mistake. I kicked the guy on accident where the sun don't shine, that caught him off gaurd and caused him to drop me.

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