Unfaithful Feelings

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No one's p.o.v

You and Tamaki were getting into yet another argument, about your plans. Tamaki was frustrated and so were you.

"Geez Tamaki, when are you gonna help me? I haven't made any progress what so ever!" You yelled at him.

"You? I haven't made any progress at all either, and yes you have made progress! You had a conversation with him that one time!" He yelled back at you.

The both of you groaned in anger. Tamaki had an idea on how to make progress with Haruhi.

"I bought this hair clip for Haruhi the other day we went to the waterpark." He told you.

"Really? Are you going to give it to her today?" You asked while walking around his mansion going into the kitchen.

"N-n-no,n-not yet. Only when I feel like it's the right time." He replied stuttering.

"Well, now you don't have a say in this anymore. You are going to give it to her today and I'm going to be there to watch." You said while having your arms across your chest.

"Oh no."

~~~Magical timeskip by Kyoya's death note~~~

You and Tamaki were walking to Haruhi's house, he was going to give it to her and while he was doing that you were going to pretend to use the bathroom.

"Pretty simple huh?" You asked Tamaki.

He looked down at you and he looked really tired.

"This is going to take forever." Tamaki whined.

"We literally just left the house!" You yelled.

It wasn't that far away, the both of you needed the exercise anyway. You walked up the stairs that leads to her house or apartment complex thingy.

You knocked a few times and then the door opened. Ranka-chan stood in the doorway, he was probably tired from work.

"Gomen Ranka-chan, but we were just wondering where Haru-chan was." You said and bowed.

When his vision finally cleared up he realised it was you and glomped you into a hug.

"Ah (y/n)-chan it's been so long! Oh dear please come inside!" He said so you walked in but he told Tamaki to stay out.

"(Y/n)-chan is he stalking you? If he is darling then this won't be a problem." He said and had Tamaki in a headlock.

You shook your head,"No we both came her together to see Haru-chan." You said and Tamaki was saved.

"Oh yeah my little Haruhi left a whe ago but she should be back any minute." Ranka said.

The three of you waited a while and talked, but Tamaki sat in the supply closet growing mushrooms.

"Dad im home!" You heard Haruhi yell from the door.

"Haru-chan!" You yelled and hugged her.

"Oh hey (y/n)-chan, whats up? Hey Tamaki Senpai, what are you two doing here?" She asked.

"Me and Tamaki were walking and we decided to come see you!" You lied but very well.

'Liar.' Tamaki thought as you explained.

Ranka went to make snacks for you so you helped him.You walked past him and whispered to him."Change of plans, just make your move."

You glanced back at Tamaki and nodded, then you closed the paper door.

Tamaki sat stiff and nervously clutched the hair clip in his hands underneath the table.

"So Tamaki Senpai, how have you been?" Asked Haruhi.

Tamaki got flustered but replied,"I-i-i've been d-doing fine,h-how about y-you?"

"I've been doing good, thanks for asking." She said with a closed eye smile.

From the outside of the door you were watching the two teens through a crack of the door.

"C'mon Tamaki just do it already." You whispered to yourself.

"You know (y/n)-chan, I truly appreciate what you are trying to do for my daughter, but maybe you should deal with your own feelings first." Ranka-chan said.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Sweety, you must really not have realised your feelings for that boy yet haven't you?" He said.

You tilted your head to the side still not understanding.

He sighed,"You love him, but you are so focused on helping everyone instead of helping yourself when you need it the most."

Then everything clicked, it felt different, thats why you changed, thats why you never get into fights anymore, because of him.

You put your head down, if felt like a ton of bricks to the face. You needed him more than anyone, but you couldn't have him.

He loved Haruhi, and you knew that Harhi loved him back. And you were supposed to like Kyoya, thats how it was supposed to be.

"I do, or at least I think I do, but he loves her not me. I need him but he needs her." You said with tears in your eyes.

"You need to tell him soon sweety." Ranka said.

"Don't you see! I can't do that, it will ruin everything! I'll ruin our friendship with him thats why i have to stay out of his life once they're together!" You shouted which caused Tamaki and Haruhi to come running into the kitchen.

"What happened? Are you two ok?" Asked Haruhi.

"It's nothing Haruhi." Ranka told his daughter.

He got up and walked to you and hugged you. You hugged back.

"I gotta go, thanks for letting me come over." You said then bowed and ran out the door.

"(Y/n)! Wait come back!" Tamaki shouted and was going to go after you but was stopped by Ranka.

Tamaki had a fearful look on his face but i went away when Ranka shook his head, and had his hand on Tamaki's shoulder.

"Don't. She needs to deal with this situation by herself. Trust me, you're the last person she needs to see when thinking about this." Said Ranka.

Tamaki just stayed there until he just had to call you to make sure you were ok.

You were at your house sitting on a chair, thinking, but then you got a call from Tamaki.

"What do you want from me?" You asked as soon as you picked up the phone.

"Where are you? Are you ok? Do I need to pick you up?" He asked.

"Were do you think I am? And Im fine, no you don't need to pick me up so leave me alone." You said then hung up.

Tamaki was outside your house, he walked in and saw that you had fallen asleep on the couch. So he picked you up and set you in your bed and covered you up.

He was going to walk away but you grabbed his arm.

"Stay, please just for a while?" You asked as he stared into your big (eye color) eyes. He was lost into a trance but then he nodded and you scooted over and he drapped his arm around you and fell asleep.

'This feels so right yet so wrong, could it be that i have unfaithful feelings for him/her?' Both Tamaki and (y/n) thought as they slept.

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