Not supposed to happen!! part 1

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No one's p.o.v

So when (y/n) and Tamaki left, they were planning on what they were gonna do at the party.

The plan was to have the twins dress Haruhi up in a dress and wig, so Tamaki can dance with her. And for (y/n), Tamaki was going to announce the first dance for you and Kyoya.

But little did they both know, a certain someone named Renge, was going to ruin their whole plan. She wasn't going to do it on purpose, no she had her own plan to get the 'man' she desired.

"Hey Tamaki? " (y/n) asked.

"Yes, (y/n)?" Tamaki asked in reply.

"If things go good tonight can we celebrate by going to get some food?!" She asked with hope that her friend will accept.

He chuckled,"Of course, tomorrow we can celebrate if things go well. " he said.

When they arrived they were greeted by all of their clients. "Welcome to the host club's Christmas party, and from all the hosts we bid you welcome." Tamaki said.

But then Kyoya steps up and says,"We will be having two contests tonight, so for our first contest is for our female guests, and for our second contest is for our male guests. "

"For the first contest the females who wish to attend please step up here and we shall begin." Kyoya says.

Tamaki comes up to you and says,"You should try it, you never know, you might impress Kyoya."

You nod hesitantly, and force yourself to walk up to the stage along with the other girls joining.

But then Renge comes up and runs to get upstage but ends up accidentally pushing you off stage.

Tamaki runs to catch you as you fall. When you land, you don't feel the hard ground, but soft protecting arms wrapped around you.

"T-tamaki? Are you ok?" You whisper to him afraid of the eyes who are starring at you.

"Y-yes, are you ok (y/n)?" He asks.

"I think so." You reply. You look down and your dress is ripped at the bottom.

Then the twins come up to you and take you away from Tamaki. They give you a skirt, a shirt, socks, white boots, a big white coat, and a pink scarf.

'This was NOT supposed to happen.' Tamaki and (y/n) both thought.

When you had finished getting dressed you told the twins thank you, but then you when straight home.

Then you got a call from Tamaki.

You answered it a said, "Hello? "

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"Cause I didnt wanna be there anymore." You replied back to him.

"Ok, hey do you wanna get something to eat? I know you didn't eat dinner yet." He said.

You flushed in embarrassment, and said, "Yeah, that sounds ok."

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