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3 days away from home. Donghyuck never wanted to leave his house for so long. Being in his own 4 walls was always what he wanted but today he wanted to leave. He wanted to experience new things.

It wasn't a very long car ride. It took only 30 minutes. Hyuck was sitting next to jaemin and felt a bit uncomfortable. Jeno also sat next to jaemin but on his left and jeno didn't feel uncomfortable at all. 'Maybe jeno is used to stuff like that? ', hyuck thought to himself.

They finally arrived and took their bags into the hotel. They had 3 rooms. 2 rooms for two people and one room was for three people. They played rock, scissors, paper and decided the rooms. Jeno shares a room with renjun. Chenle and jisung were in one room and hyuck was with Mark and jaemin. Jeno didn't complain and hyuck also didn't. Jeno thought of it as a challenge for donghyuck.

They all went into their rooms when jaemin suddenly wrapped his arms around hyucks shoulders. "So we're in the same room, hyuckiee". "don't call me that", he said and pushed down jaemins arm. In their room there was a bunk bed and a single bed. Mark immediately claimed the single bed. "I'm sleeping on the bottom bunk", jaemin then exclaimed what made hyuck nervous. He can't sleep on the top bunk but he also didn't want to make jaemin sad. Thankfully Mark noticed donghyucks nervousness. "Everything alright donghyuck?", Mark asked him while walking towards him. "Y-yeah...", donghyuck said but mark wasn't convinced. "you sure? You seem kinda nervous. You can tell us you know?". Hyuck didn't know if he can really tell them but then just said it. "I... Can't sleep in the top bunk... I'm scared...", hyuck said while looking on the ground. Mark started to laugh and jaemin as well. "And I thought you were like sick or something", jaemin said while smiling brightly. "You can have the bottom bunk. I don't mind the top bunk", jaemin said and winked at hyuck which made the latter blush.

The rooms for two people only had double beds. Which meant that renjun and jeno sleep in one bed and jisung and Chenle. Jisung and Chenle can comfortably cuddle each other and have the best time together but renjun and jeno will be very uncomfortable.

After they went somewhere to eat dinner, they all went to bed because they were still tired of the car ride.

"oh my God!", jaemin almost shouted and laughed, "Your pants are so cute markieee". "They.. Are manly", Mark stated while wearing his kitten shorts. Hyuck also giggled while changing into his pyjamas. Hyuck is just wearing shorts and a shirt like always. So he has no fancy pyjama (like Mark). Usually hyuck would sleep shirtless but he was scared that jaemin would do something...weird. Let's call it like that.

Renjun and jeno were very awkward. They didn't even change in the same room. Renjun is also wearing some cat shorts but jeno just thinks that they're cute. "So... Do you wanna sleep on the right or left side?", jeno asked the shorter one. "I actually don't care.". "Me neither I'm going to sleep on the left side", jeno said and went to the bed. He sat down on it and thought: 'is hyuck alright...'.

Hyuck had the best time of his life. No worries jeno. (he can't hear me tho)

Hyuck, Mark and jaemin were laughing non stop about so stupid things. Like think about a word, as an example (idk) 'tree', they would laugh about that word without even a context.

Jisung and Chenle were already asleep the babies need their nap.

Jeno was lying on his bed looking at the ceiling and renjun was on his phone. "You know renjun, it's pretty boring.", jeno said and broke the silence. "Well damn jeno sorry that I can't change that. Plus I'm really tired.", renjun said and put his phone on his nightstand. Renjun layed down facing towards jeno. Jeno also turned around to face renjun. "Then let's just sleep", jeno suggested and closed his eyes. Renjun also closed his eyes. The silence took over again.

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