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"rock, paper, scissors", they both said for the last time.

Donghyuck got rock and renjun got...


'Well shit', donghyuck thought to himself. Did he actually want to kiss jeno? Or does he just not want renjun to kiss him?

Renjun wanted to jump and scream out of excitement but he had to act calm. Or else the others would think weird of him.

"I guess renjun has to kiss me.",jeno said. Jeno was happy as well but also kinda sad because it wasn't his best friend but you didn't hear that from me. "I'm just doing this because I have to", renjun said clearly not doing it because he has to as he moved closer to jeno. Renjun felt the heat in his face as he drew closer to jenos face. Jeno could feel renjuns breathing and finally touched renjuns lips with his. He felt the warmth of his lips and never wanted to leave them again but had to because the others were watching.

"well this was... Weird... Let's stop playing. It's already getting dark", Mark said as they were all making their way out of the woods trying to find a McDonald's. "It's going to rain today I think", jisung said. "I heard it will be very stormy.", Chenle also added and everyone was kinda sad because they couldn't do a night walk. You know that feeling when it's late, there are only the stars and a few lights on the streets and almost no one is talking only maybe the grasshoppers playing their little songs. Yeah, they can't feel that because of the weather. That's why they were kinda down but the Mcdonalds saved them. Chenji were the most excited ones for the Mcdonalds. They wanted their chicken nuggets.

During their time at McDonald's renjun and jeno couldn't look at each others faces. They were all so shy and when their eyes met they just looked away. Donghyuck noticed that and almost threw up. Since the kiss of renjun and jeno donghyuck didn't talk to both of them. Jealous much? But he seemed a lot more clingier to jaemin.

"Jaemin~ I want that!",donghyuck said as he pointed to the nugget. "Of course here you go!", jaemin answered and feeded him with the nugget.

Nothing special happened after that. Only that Chenle and jisung were really flirty all the fricking time but besides that there was nothing.

They all payed for their food and went back to the hotel. The sky was very dark and cloudy. Everyone was convinced that it would rain. A minute after they arrived they all took a shower. (not together) Mark was still in the shower and Donghyuck and Jaemin sat there in the room. Jaemin was on his phone and donghyuck thought about his life and what happened between Jeno and Renjun. "You okay?", jaemin asked Donghyuck. 'is it that obvious?', he thought to himself. "No not really", donghyuck now said. Jaemin saw the chance and took it. He walked towards Donghyuck and kissed him on his lips. Donghyuck didn't care and just wanted to forget about jeno. Jaemin slowly pushed hyuck on the bed without breaking the kiss. His hand finding his place on his cheek caressing it slowly. They were on one another pressing each other even closer. Out of breath they finally broke the kiss. "Why are you allowing me to do this?", jaemin asked donghyuck confused. "I'm feeling down... Kiss me", Donghyuck said and pulled Jaemin near his face again. They kissed like their faces were never apart.

Their little makeout session ended when Mark left the bathroom. Awkward silence. "Why are your faces that red?", Mark asked breaking the awkward silence. "I don't know", Jaemin said and got off Hyuck. Hyuck stood up and went into his bed. Jaemin and Hyuck acted like nothing had happened and mark didn't bother asking.

Meanwhile Jeno and Renjun were doing unholy things as well. It didn't took long for them to get it on. When Jeno saw Renjun smile he just immediately had to press his lips on the smaller guy.


After they did That they didn't know what to do though. They were just lying there next to each other thinking if one of them should say "no homo " and it would be nothing.

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