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After mark's respond to donghyucks question both of them finished eating lunch and went back to their classes. They decided to walk home together after school.

Putting in all of his stuff, hyuck was already excited for the afternoon with Mark. He was now 100% sure that he had a crush on Mark.

While thinking of Markie boy, donghyuck was interrupted by jeno appearing in front of his desk.

"Hey hyuckiee", jeno greeted donghyuck and watched him with his puppy eyes. "Heyy", hyuck greeted the puppy looking boy back and put his bag over his shoulder. "Where are you going?" "Home. With Mark". The sparkles in jeno's eyes faded away. Donghyuck noticed that and reassuringly put his hand on jenos shoulder. "We can hangout some other day!", hyuck said and smiled at Jeno. Jeno smiled back and watched hyuck leave the room.

Rushing to the main entrance of the school, the very enthusiastic male hoped to see his crush waiting for him and his hopes were veritable. He ran towards him with a big blinding smile and having that smile returned to himself. "Hi hyuck", Mark welcomed the smaller boy and pulled him into his embrace. Donghyuck liked the warm and safe feeling, he got in the taller and older ones hug. The hug reminded hyuck of something but he couldn't remember.

Since it was jeno's lucky day, he also had to see both of them hugging right in front of his salad. Not having to walk past Donghyuck and mark, jeno escaped into the boys restroom, facing renjun and almost getting a heart attack. "Oh my GOD. You scared me.", jeno exclaimed grabbing his chest and trying to catch his breath. "Sorry, I didn't know I was THAT ugly.", renjun replied. "No no. You're not ugly sorry. You just caught me off-guard.", jeno explained to renjun who started to wash his hands because hygiene is everything. "were you thinking of something? Something that bothers you?", renjun said and with what he hit the bullseye. "uhm... Uhm", jeno continued to think of a logical answer, "No?". "And you think I'll believe that?", renjun then asked back and giggled, "Wanna come over to my place? My parents aren't home and I guess you need something to rant about.". Jeno was shocked by how great renjun was of a friend and immediately accepted his offer.

But Renjun wasn't stupid. He knew what was bothering Jeno and he knew how to turn it into an advantage for himself.

Mark and donghyuck were sitting on the couch in the living room and were watching a movie while cuddling.

In the meanwhile Jeno was explaining all of his feelings towards donghyuck to Renjun. "I know it's hard Jeno. But maybe this is the time for a change.", Renjun said placing his hand on Jeno's thigh. Jeno looked at Renjun's face and suddenly the atmosphere changed a lot. All of the feelings towards Renjun, Jeno tried to suppress suddenly started showing and he wanted to kiss the living hell out of him.

Right when he was about to dive in, Jeno got a notification. Cussing to himself he took his phone and looked at the message.

  Dolphin screech

"there is this super lit af
party 🤯🤩Take renjun-hyung
with you 😤 It will be BOMB 😎  "


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