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(I recommend listening to "hurts like hell" by fleurie)

After some time someone grabbed my hand pulling me out of the crowd.

Jeno's pov

.. I looked for the owner of this hand but before I could recognize his face with my blurry vision the person already pulled me into a quiet room. It reminded me of my bedroom. The furniture was set the same. A king sized bed in the middle of the room and a window right across the room when you walk into it. The feeling was the same. There's also a camera on the shelf.

Everything was familiar.

The person basically threw me on the bed. Finally I had some time analyzing the persons face and I realized. It was of course the only one I wanted to forget for the whole night. The one I hated the most but also loved the most. I slowly felt the anger taking control of me.

"I... didn't want you to embarrass yourself. So I pulled you out of there. Why did you drink that much?", he said sitting down next to me.

He clearly knows why I'm doing this. Why is he asking. Why is he pretending. He wants to forget me. He doesn't care about me.

"You know, I slept with Renjun.", I said unwillingly but I kept going, " I kissed his sweet lips and he heard only my voice the whole night long. I belonged to him. Only him.". What did I want to do? What outcome did I expect? I was drunk so probably nothing smart.

"Jeno... you're drunk...what are you trying to do.", he now said while still trying to calm me down. But as stubborn as I am, I refused to calm down and kept feeding my anger. Lee Donghyuck. He was my best friend but now he forgot me.

His hand slowly caressed my shoulder. His touch reminded me of everything that I lost.

I pushed his hand aways and stood up.

"You took everything away from me!", I said while pointing at Hyuck. I saw the fear in his eyes. I feel so sorry but I can't stop. "I was so happy... We were so happy! How could you do this to me?!", the tears started flowing and from the moment I started crying all my feelings were going crazy. Donghyuck didn't know what to do so he just stood up and was again trying to calm me down. But I just pushed him away against the wall.

"You did this to me! Look", I screamed and got closer to Hyuck who was also crying now , " Look what you did! You did this. You deserve pain and more pain!".

3rd person pov

Hyuck squeezed his eyes shut. This feeling was so familiar to him. Rejection. Wanting to escape everything. Wanting to isolate himself. Fear.

Jeno punched the wall right next to Donghyucks head and Donghyuck flinched. He was already shaking but started to shake even more. "I said Look at me!" , Jeno exclaimed once again grabbing Donghyuck by his jaw, "Do you remember now? Stop acting like you forgot about us... our love everything. I can't take this anymore.". Donghyuck had only one repeated thought 'stop...stop...stop! Stop!".

Pushing Donghuck on the bed again, Jeno now grabbed the camera on the shelf.

"This stupid thing.. all of these years I took pictures of us and everything we've lived through and all you care about is that Mark boy." , Jeno wanted to throw it on the floor but Donghyuck spoke up. "Stop!! It's not yours!"

Jeno stopped and nodded his head. "You're right... this is not mine... but still", he walked towards Donghyuck, "Maybe you can still remember everything... when I-". He wanted to smash the camera against Donghyucks head to make him pay for his "mistakes" when suddenly someone grabbed Jenos arm and stopped him.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!", it's none other than the great Mark holding Jenos arm.

"Let me go", Jeno said trying to escape the older ones grip. Donghyuck was still traumatized and couldn't believe what was happening. He was very close to crying out of fear. Mark pulled Jeno away from Hyuck and looked right into Jenos soul. You could see that Mark wasn't kidding. "What. Were. You. Trying. To. Do", Mark said waiting for Jeno to explain but Jeno wasn't sober so how should he even answer. He couldn't even see anything.

Without thinking more Jeno threw a punch in Marks face. Making Mark stumble to the side. "You- ...I dont care if you're drunk, you asshole", Mark said and punched Jeno in the stomach. Everything escalated. Mark and Jeno were fighting. Donghyuck was curled up in a ball on the bed, still traumatized. He was shaking and didn't know why this all felt familiar.

Mark and Jeno were bleeding but they didn't care. "You knew that we were dating!", Jeno then accused Mark. "We can't change his decisions!!! You have to accept it.", Mark answered and made Jeno angrier than he was. He ran towards Mark wanting to rip off his head until Renjun interrupted all of the mess.

".... what is going on..."

Renjun was confused. What was going on. Besides Jeno and Mark who were both bleeding, the only thing that caught Renjuns attention was the weeping Donghyuck who was shaking like crazy. Renjun rushed towards him and tried to calm him down. He caressed his back and whispered "Its okay", into his ear. But nothing calmed him down. He was mumbling something but no one really understood what he was saying.

Renjun was pissed off. "Mark. Jeno.", he said making them both look at him, " What happened.... You know what, No, I don't even want to hear it now. Let's just help Donghyuck.". Mark and Jeno washed their faces in order to get rid of the blood which was a bit tough to get off of their shirts.

Renjun managed to make Hyuck sit straight without being curled up but he still won't look up. As soon as Mark and Jeno were back in the room, Jeno collapsed on the floor. It's very weird that no one heard any of the things that happened in that room but everyone was probably wasted.

"Moron", Renjun said while pulling Jeno on the bed. He got help from Mark. "What should we do...", Renjun said to Mark who was still trying to realize what just happened. They both fought without even knowing what they were fighting for. The worst part is that Hyuck wouldn't move. He can't hear them.

Mark approached Hyuck and tried to calm him down and wanted to carry him but Donghyuck blocked every sort of contact. "Baby... we really have to go.. don't do that", Mark tried to comfort him but only making him shake even more.

Jeno was still asleep. As if they didn't already have a lot of problems, Jisung and Chenle went into the room with a wasted Jaemin in their arms. "Oh, y'all are here...", Jisung said stopping in the middle of the room. They noticed that the bed was packed and put Jaemin who had a very great time at the party on the floor. "Jaemin is going to have such a massive hangover tomorrow", Chenle stated while laughing only realizing the awkward situation now. "What... happened", Jisung got the courage to ask, noticing the blood stains and bruises on Mark's and on Jeno's face. Also the shaking Hyuck on the bed. "We have to get them all home... ", Renjun said without explaining and also knowing what happened in this room.

The only solution. Donghyucks mother.

Since Dongyuck lost his memories she had a great time because Dongyuck wasn't scared anymore. She was so happy for her son who was happier that way. Hearing that he has a panic attack again is going to make her feel very sad.

Renjun got his phone and called her. She immediately picked up.

After the phone call Renjun confronted Mark. "What happened?", Renjun asked Mark who didn't look away from Donghyuck. You could see the worry in his face. "When I walked in Jeno wanted to hurt Donghyuck... but I don't know what he did before that...". Mark wanted to help Donghyuck but how. They all waited when their rescue finally arrived. After leaving the party without anyone noticing that something happened, the awkward car ride began.


How they left the house is answered in the next chapter! Also do y'all like Markhyuck more or Nohyuck?

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