Staying At The Hotel

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Me, Sayuri, and Ako decide to stay at a hotel not far from the station and when we walk inside we saw Aqours talking over by the counter trying to get a room when we walk up behind them to wait till their done, Dia turn around and said "oh hey ya was from the train Sayuri and Ako right" they both nod and Chika said "and you must be Taylor right" I smile and said "the one and only" she laugh and said "alright I'll keep that in....." she got cut off by a guy from across the lobby that said "what do you mean you're out of rooms can't you at least let us sleep in the lobby" I heard the guy said "sorry sir but I can't allow that" the other guy punch the guy behind the counter causing a fight to break out over there which lucky their was a few cops standing by which broke up the fight, after it was broken up I said "I understand his anger" I heard Riko said "really you understand why he punch that guy" I nod and said "take a look over there at his wife and tell me what you see" they all look over there and Ako said "oh his wife is pregnant" I said "wrong she was pregnant, it look like she lost the baby not to long ago" Sayuri said "that isn't the guy from the train is it" I said "no that just someone else" I heard Mari said "alright I could only get us two rooms" Chika said "that fine we can share, well so long Taylor, Sayuri, and Ako" we wave bye and after they left we walk up to the counter and I said "hey do you have any rooms left" the girl said "well their one more but it's pretty costly" I said "alright that doesn't matter we're take it" she smile and said "alright then would that be cash or" I pulled out my card and said "here charge it to my account" she took the card and after a few seconds she said "oh Mr. Soma  I didn't know that was you I'm sorry" I smile and said "no worry" she bow and said "well still I'm sorry here your card and the keys" I took both and said "alright you have a good day" we went to our room after that. Once we got there I sat my bag on the desk and said "alright I'm going to get a drink" Sayuri sigh and said "brother are you drinking again" I said "yea sorry but I need something calm my nerves before I get to work" she said "I just wish you wouldn't drink" I said "alright fine I'll just get some tea before I work do you want anything" they both shake their head no and I left to grab something to drink, I went down to the lobby to see if I could get some tea when I notice on the news that Uchiura got attack and they don't know if their are any survivor, after seeing that I said "isn't that Aqours home town" I turn around and saw Chika standing there and she look like she's about to cry so I said "hey are you alright" she said "mom, dad, Mito, Shima, Shiitake please be okay" I notice that look it the same one that Sayuri get when she need to cry somewhere alone before she could run I pull her into a hug and said "shh it will be alright" she said "but what about......" I said "just believed in them and you will see them again" she put her arms around me and started crying. After awhile I let go and she said "thank Taylor I needed that" I smile and said "no problem but next time you want to cry find your friends before you do they will help you" she nod and said "okay I will, I think I'm going to my room to rest a little" I said "alright I hope you feel better" she wave bye and left so I went to get something to drink and when I got back to my room I heard Sayuri said "hey brother, You just invited us to eat with them can we go" I smile and said "sure go ahead I want to see what I can learn about this infection" she said "you really want to impress father don't you" I nod and said "yea I do" before she could say something Ako said "hey Sayuri let go before we're late" she nod and said "yea let's go" after they left I pulled out the hand and took a sample from it to see what make it tick. After awhile I couldn't figure it out and before I could take another sample I heard my phone going off and when I answer I heard Sayuri said "brother we have a problem down here" I said "what going on Sayuri" she said "their zombies outside the dinner room and Chika, Riko, and Kanan is not here" I said "alright stay hidden I'm coming to get ya" I heard her hang up without a word so I said "don't worry I will save you" I ran out of my room and headed to the dinner hall. 

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