Being Captured

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I heard someone saying "hey Taylor wake up" my head hurt and when I open my eyes I saw I was locked in a cell with Aqours but when I look around I didn't see Sayuri, Ako, or Muse anywhere so I said "where everyone else" Chika said "that's guy took them somewhere" I stand up and Dia said "careful you was knocked out" I took a breath and said "I'm fine, so where are we" I look all around me and saw soldiers walking around then You said "I think we're in some kind of base" I heard someone said "ah it look like Dr. Soma's son had finally woken up" I turn to see that guy standing there on the other side of the cell so I said "what did you do to them" he smile and said "nothing yet, that depend on how you answer my question" I said "I'll kill you if you harm them in anyway" he said "calm down, I just want to know why are you so protective of these girls" I said "cause I care about them alot" he said "don't lie me, the only people you care about is your sister Sayuri and her friend Ako" I said "I think I have the right to care about them if I want" he nod and said "alright fine, then tell me which one them have the cure in them" Yoshiko said "but we've already told you who had it" I turn to her and heard him hit the cell then said "I didn't ask you, I ask the doctor here" I said "who did you said had the cure" Mari said "sorry Taylor but we told him that it was Eli Ayase" I said "and he bought that" I heard him said "come on tell me who it is" I said "I'll give you a hint, I was using these girls to hide the real cure" he said "alright then who hold it" I said "well of course it's me" he said "wait what, alright fine we can play this" I turn to him and he said "alright bring them out" Hanamaru said "I don't think this is going to end well zuru" a few seconds later I saw some soldiers brought Muse, Sayuri, and Ako in front of me then the guy said "alright Taylor let's be friends here" I grab the bars and said "friends, I don't friends do this" he laugh a little and said "whatever, so I'm going to ask you one more time" he pointed a gun at Sayuri's head and said "who hold the cure in them" I could feel my hands shaking and I just want to say it but before I could Ako said "it's me, I'm sorry Taylor just tell them the truth" Sayuri said "no it's not, brother please don't tell him anything, it'll be alright" the guy said "come on Taylor, here I'll make you a deal tell me who hold the cure and I'll let you be the one to create it" I said "can I ask you something before I tell you who have the cure" Dia said "don't tell him Taylor" Nico said "don't tell him nothing" I said "would everyone just shut up, well can I" he put the gun down and said "sure go ahead and ask anything you want as long as you tell me what I want to know" I sat down on the ground and said "you said before that you was looking for Mr. Soma so who are you" he sat down in a chair and said "you may call me Glenn Arias" I sigh and said "and what did you want with my father" he said "your father and I was working on a bio weapon to sell to the highest paying country" I said "alright one more question if you don't mind" he said "sure go ahead" I said "first can you allow those girls into this cell" he wave his hands and said "alright sure, I won't need them anymore after you tell me who hold the cure" after I heard them enter the cell I said "where is my parents now" he said "oh them, I killed them for trying to turn me in" I drop my head and he said "now tell me what I want to know" I started laughing  and he said "what the, hey quit laughing and tell me" I heard Kanan said "Taylor please don't tell him" Umi said "please we trust you" I stand up and said "alright a deal is a deal, come here if you want to know" he walk toward the cell and when he lend in I said "a little closer" he put his hands in between the bars and said "come on and tell me" Honoka said "don't tell him" he was about to say something when I grab his hand and bite down on his hand then I heard him scream then said "ah let go" while still biting him I slip my hands into his pocket then bite down hard into his hand causing one of the soldier to hit me with a stun gun causing me to fall back into the cell. While laying there I heard him said "just wait till I get back and you're dead" I sat up and said "I think you'll be a bit" he turn his head and I spit his thumb out then when he look down at his hand he said "I'll kill you for this" he walk away with his guards and after they was gone Sayuri said "brother are you okay" I nod and said "yea I'm fine, I'm better then him" Riko said "why did you bite his thumb off" I smile and said "cause it will give us enough time to escape" Hanayo said "but how the guards just walk away with the keys" I held up a key and said "I found the master key" I walk over to the cell's door and when I got it open I said "come on let's get out of here before he come back looking for revenge over his lost thumb" they all nod and we took off running out of the camp. When we got away from the camp I heard Eli said "wait where are we going" I said "just getting away from them" Maki said "what about that town" we look the way she was pointing and saw a town straight ahead then Kotori said "hey I think we should hurry" You said "I agree" I said "alright let get into that town" we started running toward the town and away from that camp but I have feeling that wasn't the last I heard from Glenn Arias.

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