Finding Hope, We Set Out With A Goal

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The guy walk over and dug his hands in the zombie then started covering me with guts and when I was cover head from toe I said "alright this should be enough, now let me out there" before I could walk to the door Sayuri said "wait brother is this the only way" I said "this is the only safe way, don't worry sis I'll be back with both girls" she said "alright be safe brother" I walk to through the spinning doors and when I was outside I didn't move and when the zombies saw me they stare for a second and then went back to banging on the glass. I walk behind the zombies and when I turn the corner I grab my phone's earpiece and called my sister, once she pick up she said "brother it really work" I said "see I told you to trust me, now put Mari on" she said "it's on speaker brother" I heard Mari said "you need me Taylor" I said "yes I do, when I go through the kitchen I'm going to need the baseball player to stop making noise and let me draw the zombies through the kitchen' she said "alright I'll let Alisa know but what can I do" I said "after I give you see the zombies running through the kitchen I need you to open the door to grab Ruby and Kari" she said "alright anything else" I said "yea one more thing, if I don't make it back take care of Sayuri and Ako for me" I heard Sayuri said "no brother you will make it back won't you" I laugh a little and said "I'll try but no promises" she wanted to say something but I heard Chika said "Taylor please come back I still need to thank you for helping me" I said "alright I'm going through the kitchen get ready to save Ruby and Kari" I heard Alisa said "hey boys stop banging on the doors" Chika said "please Taylor promise me" I sigh and said "alright fine ya win I'll come back now when you hear a lot of noise save them" I hung up and started banging on pots and pans when I heard the kitchen door open and about twenty zombies started pouring into the kitchen and started chasing me out the door I came in, while running behind the hotel I loop around and went back into the kitchen blocking the door. I back up and said "alright I think that might hold them" I walk into the dinner room and saw Ruby by the door so I said "hey what are you doing in here" she jumped and said "oh um the door is lock" I walk over to the door and heard fighting on the other side but before I could say anything I heard a noise from the kitchen so I said "their no time Ruby can you crawl through that vent" she said "I need a boost up there" I nod and knock the cover out and gave her a boost so she can get through and once she was through I crawl through the vent after seeing a zombie running through the kitchen door, after I was through I heard a woman said "get that infected girl away from us" I was on the ground since I fell through the vent and heard Dia said "leave my sister alone" I saw Sayuri running over to me with Ako and she said "brother your back" I said "yea well I did promise ya, now what going on" I saw Dia, Kanan, and Mari standing in front of Ruby and I heard Chika said "that woman think Ruby is bitten" I look over at Ruby and said "I didn't see anything on her leg when I gave her a boost, well really I was in a rush" I heard the woman said "look for yourself boy" I got up and said "may I see what she's talking about" Ruby said "do I really have to show you" I said "is it somewhere private" she nod and I said "would you mind showing it to Sayuri" Dia said "it not even a bite" I said "well I just want to make sure" Ruby said "can we go around that corner" I nod and she took my hand then we walk around the corner, when got away from everyone she lift her skirt just a little and I see a bite mark but it's seen healed and I said "do you feel any pain at all" she said "no well only from the bite" I said "hm alright let get back" she nod and we walk back to the lobby and when we got out there the woman said "see she's got bitten" I said "nope sorry she's didn't, it's just a little scrape" she said "bullshit I saw her get bitten, I know the other here seen it as well" everyone started talking so I lend back and said to Sayuri "this is going to get ugly be ready to get out of here" she said "what about them" I said "don't worry about that" I heard someone said "let just take a vote to kick her out or not" I said "whoa whoa let talk about this cause if she get kick out I'm sure we're going to lose twenty girls and me if she leave" one of the baseball guy said "alright but this is the only way to decide this without a fight" I sigh and said "alright let get this over with" he said "alright raise your hand if she should be kick out" about everyone raise their hands but us, Aqours, and Muse but I know we was out number so I said "alright whatever we'll leave" Riko said "wait where would we go" I said "anywhere but here" Ako said "hold on how are we going to get out of here" I said "I don't know yet but I'll figure it out" they agree and we went to go get our stuff from our room, when I got to our room I saw the hand on the desk and said "if Ruby really can't be infected then her blood might be able to be use as a cure" I heard Sayuri said "what did you say brother" I said "nothing come on let's hurry up and get out of here" I pack my stuff up but I left the hand since I don't have a use for it anymore and we went to the lobby to meet up with Aqours. Once we got to the lobby I saw the girls talking to Muse and when we walk over there Chika said "hey Taylor do you mind if they join us" I nod and said "yea I'm fine with that, are we ready to go" they all nod and I look over at the woman and said "alright we're leaving" she said "good get out of here" I said "we will bitch" she said "dick" I said "whore" she stomp her foot and said "take it back I'm not a whore" I said "no I won't, let go girls" they agree and Dia said "how do we leave with the zombies blocking the door" I said "there should be a window out back we can use" she nod and we went to check the window when I heard Ruby said "let go of me" I turn around to see a baseball player grab her and said "you know I should just kill you and that would stop them from leaving" Dia was about to say something and I said "no that just give me a reason to kill you" he laugh and said "your a doctor, if you were to kill another human then your career will be ruin" I walk over to Alisa and said "you know you would be right if I really care, but this is different" I grab her and said "alright boy I know where to inflict the most pain on your girl before she died" I heard the baseball team said "hey let her go" I said "let Ruby go and I let Alisa go, deal" the guy grab Ruby leg and said "you wouldn't dare hurt her you don't have it in you" I turn Alisa around and move one of my hands around her neck and another to her head then said "sorry Alisa either your friend let Ruby go or I'm going to hurt you really bad" she said "Jin just let her go" I heard him said "alright fine here" he push Ruby over to the group and I said "alright let's go before something else happen" I let go of Alisa and before I could walk over to the group Jin said "hey Doc watch your back" I didn't say anything and we walk to the back of the hotel to find a room with a window in it. Once inside I took a look out the window and said "alright the coast is clear, but before we leave we need a place to go" Honoka said "well the reports said that Numazu is a safe haven" I said "alright does anyone else know a place to go" no one said anything so I said "alright then before we leave I need to swing by the hospital" Nozomi said "why do you need to go there" I pointed at Ruby and said "she might be the key to creating a cure" Dia said "what make you say that" I said "you lie to me she was bitten but the wound heal and she yet to turn so I want to run some test on her before leaving" Kanan said "but isn't the town dangerous" I said "that is true so I want you to decide cause I'm not going there alone, I'm going to need everyone help" they all stop to think about when Ruby said "if you can make a cure from me then I want to go" Dia said "are you sure Ruby" she nod and said "yup I trust Taylor, he help us out a lot" Hanamaru said "well if Ruby want to help then I do too" Yoshiko said "Yohane will help too" I smile and said "alright then should we head out" they all nod and we left the hotel. 

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