The Problem

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When I made it to the lobby I took cover around the corner cause I saw about twenty zombies by the dinner hall doors so I try to call Sayuri but I couldn't get it to go through so I said "I wonder if I can use the vents" I look around for a hatch and saw on the wall next to the dinner room so I try to come up with a plan of attack when I saw the front doors to the hotel open up and Chika, Riko, Kanan, and nine other girls follow in behind them so I pop out and wave them over here, once they saw me we met up behind the counter and I said "your friends, my sister and her friend are trap inside the dinner room" Chika said "do you have a plan to get through the doors" before I could say something we heard the doors open up to the dinner room and the zombies pour into the room so I hope over the counter and before I could make it to the door everyone came out and a man shut the door on the zombies, I saw Sayuri and Ako standing over by the rest of Aqours so I ran over there and said "are you okay you didn't get bitten did you" they shake their head no and I heard Chika said "hey where Ruby" Dia look around and said "Ruby where are you" Mari said "did she make it out" I heard a woman behind me said "have anyone seen my daughter Kari" I look over by the door and saw the vent so I said "hey give me second" I ran over to the vent and when I look inside I saw Ruby with another girl behind a table with zombie at the door. I heard Riko said "so what do you see" I said "I think I found Ruby and Kari" I heard the woman said "you know where my daughter is" I said "yea their in the dinner room but their safe" she said "I don't care I want my daughter" I said "wait a minute let me see if I could find a way in" when I took another look I notice if we open the door then one of them could be kill and I'm not having that but when I look at the kitchen door then said "hey is there another way into the kitchen" Mari said "there a back door but we got to go outside to get around" a girl with short orange hair said "we can't go outside cause the front door is surrounded by zombies" I saw a zombie getting closer to Ruby and Kari so I walk over to the door and started banging on it and said "hey fresh meat by the door" I heard the zombies beat on the door and a guy said "whoa what the hell was that" I had to get the zombies away from Ruby and Kari inside" the woman said "let just open the door I want my daughter back" I said "doing that will kill one of them" she said "who care about the other girl as long if my girl safe" Dia said "hey that my sister in there" the woman said "I don't care" I yell "will everyone shut up I need to think" I didn't hear anyone say anything so I lend against the door and try to come up with a plan. While trying to come up with a plan the zombies kept banging on the door so I said "would ya shut the fuck up in there, damn I can't think here" they bang even hard and I was about to turn around when I saw the baseball team over by the front spinning door with a zombie trap in between so I said "hey you over by the front door" a girl turn around and said "yea you talking to us" I nod and said "why is there a zombie trap" she said "when we came through the door one of the baseball player got bitten so the only thing we could do for him was trap him there" I look around at the people and saw a guy cover in blood then look back at the front door and said "I think I got a plan" a blonde hair girl said "what you're plan" I said "I'm going out there" Sayuri said "wait you can't you'll die" I smile and said "not if I cover myself in zombies guts" a red hair girl said "but where are you going to get that" I pointed at the turn baseball player and said "him, wait a minute who are you girls" Sayuri said "that's Muse brother another idol group that won love live" I think for a second and said "oh okay I think I remember you" I look over the nine girls and said "ok let see Honoka, Eli, Kotori, Umi, Rin, Maki, Nozomi, Hanayo, and Nico right" they all nod and I said "alright then back to it, hey girl I'm going to need you to let him in" they all turn around and one of the guy said "what are you stupid Doc" I said "first my name is Taylor and second I need to cut him open" he said "what no we can't aloud you do that" Dia said "please my sister is in the dinner room and the only way to save her is through him" the team was talking among themself and the girl said "alright but promise me you'll kill him first" I nod and said "yea I will" she turn to the guys and said "alright whenever he's ready open the door" they all said "yes Alisa" I turn to the girls and said "alright I need a weapon to kill him" we look around for one when a guy walk over to me and said "here would this do" he handed me a knife and I said "yea this would do just fine, alright I need everyone to hide cause I want him to come right at me" everyone hide and I got ready to attack the zombie. I took a deep breath and said "alright let him in" the players push on the door and ran to the side and when the zombie step inside I said "alright come and get me you son of a bitch" he ran straight at me and when he gotten close I trip him and stab him in the back of the head killing him, after I pull the knife out and everyone came out they walk over to me and I said "alright someone go over to that door and make sure they keep the zombies attention" the baseball players ran over to the door and started banging on it, I cut open the zombie and said "alright who isn't afraid of getting their hand bloody" I heard a guy said "I'm not what do you need" I turn around and saw the guy that try to help on the train with his pregnant wife, I said "alright I need you to smear blood all over me" he said "are you sure" I nod and said "this way they think I'm one of them and I could walk out of here" Yoshiko said "wait will that work" I said "yea you just gotta trust me" I wasn't really sure this was going to work but I'm not going to tell them that. 

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