Finding The Military And A Train

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When we arrive I saw a group of military soldiers guarding the entrance then heard Honoka said "hey do you think they can help us" she was about to run over there when I notice something and said "wait hold on" she stop and said "but why" I pointed to a cage full of zombies and said "I don't think their here for us" Kanan said "maybe they're just round up the zombies" I was about to say something when Ako said "hey Taylor it'll be okay if we all go over there" I check my gun and said "alright fine let's go then" Honoka, Chika, and Ruby ran over there ahead of everyone and I heard one of the soldier said "don't move or I'll shoot" they stop and when we walk up I heard Dia said "wait we're humans not zombies" I kept my finger on the trigger and heard the guy said on his radio "sir I got about twenty girls and one guy here what are your orders" the guy smile and said "ah I see alright sir I'll bring the girls in" I aim my gun at him and said "what the hell did he say" the soldier brought his gun up and said "I'll just give you hint, we don't have many girls around here" I heard Eli said "maybe we should leave" Nozomi said "come on let get out of here" I said "alright buddy we're just going to walk pass you and you're not going to pull that trigger" he aim the gun at Ruby and said "not happen but I'm pretty nice ya can pass but I want her to stay here and keep me company" Dia grab Ruby and said "I'm not leaving my sister here with you" the guy got mad and said "what the fuck is wrong with me huh, I protected so many people with a single thank you so I want something from ya" I walk forward with my gun up and said "I'm going to say this one little thing so listen up" he aim at me and I said "that girl might hold a cure inside her and if you think for second I won't kill another human to make sure their safety I will" he drop his gun to his side and said "wait she's the cure" I said "yea now you going to let us by" he smile and said "sure go ahead" I said "nice try but we're not going through that door" I turn my head and said "come on let's find a train" the girls started to leave and I back up with my gun still aim at him and I heard the guy said "hey buddy just a head up you can't save them all" I said "just watch me" I drop my gun to my side and ran to catch up with the girl who was looking around in the train yard. When I got over there I only saw Muse so I said "hey where are the other" Nico said "oh they went ahead with Ako and Sayuri to find a working train" I nod and said "aw I see but what are ya doing" Maki said "well look over there" I look over to where she was pointed and saw the hotel on fire so I said "what happen" Nozomi said "I think we're not alone here" the girls brought up their guns so I did the same and said "alright then call out if you spot something" while looking around I heard Sayuri yell "hey brother we're ready" I sigh and said "alright let's go" the girls agree and we walk over to Sayuri and Nozomi said "did they find a train" she smile and said "yup Ako is getting it working" Kotori said "does Ako know alot about train" I said "well Ako father is a train driver" Umi said "wow I guess we're lucky to have met ya" Sayuri want to say something but Rin said "come on their waiting" they all nod and they walk pass Sayuri who had her head down so I said "hey are you okay" she said "brother am I useful" I smile and said "yes of course you are" she said "with what cause I can't fix a train or I don't know a single thing about medicine" I hug her and said "your useful to me because your always there when I need you" she wrap her arms around me and said "hey brother when we get out of this can we talk to mother and father" I nod and said "yea we will together, now let get going" I let go and she said "alright thank brother" she ran off and I walk toward the train, when I got there I heard Chika said "hey Taylor we're ready to go but their a problem" I said "yea what is it" Honoka said "well it's going to be a long trip and we don't really have food or anything to drink" I said "hm I have a feeling that we aren't going to find anything here" Mari said "so what are we going to do" I thought about then said "I bet the military have something we could use" Nozomi said "what are we going to do steal from them" I check my ammo and said "you aren't going near them, I'm going to go by myself" Eli said "but you can't" I loaded my gun and said "I'll be fine but when I get back be ready to leave" before I could walk off I heard Chika said "your not going by yourself take someone with you" before I could say anything Dia said "alright I'm going with you" I said "no your not" she smile and said "sorry but I'm not asking to come with you, I'm telling you" I sigh and said "alright fine let go" we walk back to the train station but through the unguarded back way, when we got inside the whole place was empty so I said "wait there no one here" Dia said "could they be out" I look around and saw a stash a food so I said "hey Dia over there let take......." my phone went off and when I answer it I heard Sayuri said "brother can you get back, the military is trying to break into the train" I said "alright we're be there, if you have to take off we will be right behind you" she said "okay but please hurry" she hung up and I said "we gotta get back Dia" Dia said "wait what going on" I said "the military is trying to break into the train" she said "alright let go, but wait what about the food" I said "I'll think about something later" she nod and we ran back to the train. Once we got back I saw some soldiers try to force the door open on the train so I aim my gun at them when Dia said "wait Taylor" I said "sorry but I made a promise that I'll get ya to safety" she said "I'll call Ruby and have them to take off then we will hop on the back of the train" I sigh and said "alright fine let do this" we hop on the back of the train and Dia called Ruby then after a few seconds the train started moving, after the train move I said "alright let get to the front car" she said "yea let go" we started walking through the cars one by one when we got to car number 4 I saw supply so I said "well that will solve our food problem for awhile" Dia said "their enough food here to for a small army" I said "I have a feeling this was the military train" she said "I think I got that feeling too" I heard the door open in front of us so I aim my gun and saw Sayuri, Ruby, Nozomi, and Nico walking toward us so I drop my gun to my side and said "damn you scared me" Sayuri ran over to me while Ruby ran over to Dia to give us a hug then Sayuri said "I was worry you wasn't going to make it" I said "have a little faith in me" she tighten her arms around me and I look back at Dia and heard her said "Ruby I'm fine" I smile and said "well then, who driving the train" Nozomi said "oh we left Ako to do that since she know how to drive a train" I nod and said "well then shall we get to the front car to plan our next move" they all nod and we went to the front car to check in with everyone. 

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