Feeling The Rage

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Once I was in the car 2 I said "alright we got to swap the tracks" Nozomi said "but if we do that we will go off course" I said "there trains blocking the tracks to Numazu so our only choice is to ride a different rail there" they all nod and the husband said "alright I understand what you want" the father stand up and said "okay let the guys go out there" I nod and said "that mean you too baseball" the baseball player stand up and said "yea I know and my name Jae-hong" I smile and said "yea whatever I'll learn your name when you learn mine" the husband said "alright ladies are we done talking or should we leave without......" I heard Ako coming into the car behind me and said "hey Taylor bad news" I turn around and said "what happen" she said "Sayuri left for the control station" I said "damn it I knew she was going to do that, I should have done something" the father said "well then shall we go" I shake my head no and said "no I got a plan who here a good shot" the father said "well in the military I was a sniper" I took off my vest and handed it to the father with my M4 then said "here get on the roof and cover me" he nod and the husband said "alright but I'm coming with you doc" I sigh and said "alright fine let go" me, the husband, and Jae-hong got off the train with the father one top of the train covering us with the M4, we took off for the train control station. When we got a little closer to the station I saw zombie all around it so we duck behind a car and said "damn it Sayuri" the husband said "you got a plan for this one" before I could say something I heard my phone going off so I answer it and said "hello" I heard Sayuri said "brother I'm sorry but I don't think I can make it" I said "don't say that Sayuri I'm right outside and I promise you I will save you" I could hear her crying and then she said "I already turn the tracks brother just go" I said "no that it's, I'm coming to save you Sayuri" the phone cut out so I slip it into my pocket and said "alright give me your bat" Jae said "what why" I said "I'm going to save my little sister" the husband said "give the man the bat" Jae hand me his bat and I said "alright now get to the train and tell them be ready to take off" they both nod and took off then I stand up to walk over there, while walking toward the zombies I bang the side of the train and said "come and get me" the zombies turn around and one by one they charge me only for me to bash their damn skulls in with the bat, after I was done I was cover in blood but I didn't care because my only sister was in that control room so I open the door and found Sayuri with her back turn to me sitting in the chair crying so I ran over there to hug her then said "you're okay Sayuri" she wrap her arms around me and said "I'm so sorry brother" I said "it's fine, just don't do anything risky again" she nod and said "okay thank you for saving me brother" I got up and said "alright let get back" she nod and we ran back to the train that was moving for some reason but we still maintain to catch up. Once we got on the train we walk through the cars when we stop at car 4 and I saw Jin ordering everyone with a gun so I said "hey Sayuri stay here" she nod and said "alright" I reach for my gun but I forgot I gave my gun to that guy but before I could say something I heard Sayuri said "here brother use this, it only have one shot though" I thank her but before I could take it we heard Jin said "come out I know your hiding there doc" I grab the gun and put in behind my back then we walk through the door and heard Jin said "ah Doc was up, you having a good day" I wave my hands and said "oh yea running from a few zombies is just a normal thing" he pointed his gun at me and said "don't be cute or else" I pulled out the pistol and said "or what you'll shoot me" he aim his gun at someone next to him and said "or I'll shoot the cure" he drag Ruby out of her seat and I said "let her go" he smile and said "na I like my girls fresh" he drop his gun and pull Ruby in front of him with his hand on her leg and another on her neck then said "go ahead doc shoot me and you'll hit her" I drop the gun and said "alright fine you win no....." I heard a gunshot and when I look down to see a bullet hole in my stomach and heard Jin laughing with his hand on his face, also with a gun in his right hand and Ruby on the ground. I fell to the ground and heard him said "your so stupid" I try to say something but he stomp on my chest and said "shut up, quit acting so tough" I grab his foot and before I could do something I heard Dia said "get your foot off of him" I then heard Eli said "I'm not afraid to shoot you Jin" I saw Dia and Eli on both side of the train then heard everyone get up with their gun then aim it at Jin only for him to laugh and said "well play but shoot me and I'll shoot the doc in the head before anyone could react" I didn't hear anything and I could my life slipping, I heard Jin said "hey when I'm done with doc here how about I'll show you how a real man protect his sister" I pull back on his leg causing him to fall down so I got on top of him and put my hands around his neck then said "if you ever touch any of them again, I'll kill you with my own two hands" he smile and said "you don't have it in you" I heard Dia said "don't do it Taylor" I could feel the rage going through me so I press down harder on his neck hearing him choking but before I could follow through with it all the way I got hit in the back of the head and knock out.

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